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RE: The YAPC Quest

by chromatic (Archbishop)
on Jun 21, 2000 at 23:14 UTC ( [id://19310]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to The YAPC Quest

I refuse to apologize for this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $spell = hex('123'); my $you = "a garden of delight."; my $rituals = 10; my $plan = "I, the despoiler"; my @describe = reverse (qw ( seek meet tell alarm bless )); while ($rituals--) { if ($rituals < 5) { print cast($spell) => "$you\n"; } else { reset reverse ($plan, times); } } sub cast { foreach my $invocation (caller) { my $plan = join ' with me ', "#", $invocation, $you ; do { study $plan; eval "$plan"; $plan .= " here, unharmed."; }; } return "$plan, " . $describe[$rituals] . " you in "; }
ESPECIALLY to Mrs. Vroom, who is lovely and patient.

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RE: RE: The YAPC Quest
by Q*bert (Sexton) on Jun 21, 2000 at 23:20 UTC
    Oh dear, you mean vroom's married? You mean we are bending our Perl skills to the path of evil, acting as virtual home-wreckers?

    If so, luckily, I'm sure vroom is trustworthy enough that he will not be swayed to use the awesome power of our programs. Still, this is a bit embarrassing. ;)

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