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ncwby ncw (Friar) |
on Jun 22, 2000 at 01:02 UTC ( [id://19340]=user: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
When I was a lad (knee high to a whippersnapper) I used to write BASIC programs. So far so good. I then moved on to assembler. Then finally C when the home micro had grown large enough to run a decent compiler (some would say it still hasn't but that is another argument for a long rainy afternoon). You might say I've spent my whole career writing C programs (with a good few lashings of assembler of course) but funnily enough all the programs I seem to write now-a-days seem to be in Perl ;-) You've just got to love that string handling if you've been a C hacker ;-) Though does it soften your brain? Sorry this isn't a bio just a ramble, but who cares! Module del dia HTML::Tree and in particular HTML::Element which works just find for XML and simple SGML. Some other links for stuff I keep losing PS That's me, with my two kids - I'm the big one in the middle ;-) Apologies for the animation - I got carried away with the GIMP ;-) PPS My (usually very out of date) home page -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3i mQCNAir+llYAAAEEAOma/TtngrpJ+Qabj9JNL/+SMqIGcXPRwHMs9UrvvvoPpWQf 24utY1OaGiCaWvzOpGukmk3lHfzNGbn46QMFBIKlSsycuwT71adY6upwexixjZQZ Vh0dkp0PDi0w4xIY21amsI3MZ2lcGoAO9pycc3NJEe50q7/TfhG4/9vYVhqvAAUR tCZOaWNrIENyYWlnLVdvb2QgPG5jd0BheGlzLmRlbW9uLmNvLnVrPrQlTmljayBD cmFpZy1Xb29kIDxuaWNrQGNyYWlnLXdvb2QuY29tPg== =QnjI -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----