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Re: (Golf) Formatting Integer To Money

by Abigail-II (Bishop)
on Aug 29, 2002 at 17:04 UTC ( [id://193824]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (Golf) Formatting NumberTo Money

57 characters:
sub a{$_=sprintf"%.2f",pop;{s/(\d)(\d{3})(?!\d)/$1,$2/&&redo}$_}

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Re: Re: (Golf) Formatting Integer To Money
by dpuu (Chaplain) on Aug 29, 2002 at 17:41 UTC
    49 Characters:
    sub a{$_=sprintf"%.2f",pop;while(s/\B\d{3}\b/,$&/){}$_}
    Update: 48 characters:
    sub a{$_=sprintf"%.2f",pop;{s/\B\d{3}\b/,$&/&&redo}$_}
      Here's a 44 with a few small improvements to yours:
      sub a{$_=sprintf"%.2f",@_;1while s/\B...\D/,$&/;$_}
      It seems that the sprintf solutions fail sometimes in rounding, e.g. "123456789012345.125" becomes "123,456,789,012,345.12" instead of "123,456,789,012,345.13".

      Update: I was just informed by thospel++ that IEEE rounding is toward even, not upward. That explains the behavior, though I'm not sure if it's the desired behavior for this problem.

      -- Mike


        Actually, this is the expected rounding. If you think about it, only half of them should round up (and the other half down) since that will give a more accurate average. In this case .125 rounds down, if you try .135 it will round up and .145 will round down.
        perl -le "s,,reverse killer,e,y,rifle,lycra,,print"
Re: Re: (Golf) Formatting Integer To Money
by xylus (Pilgrim) on Aug 29, 2002 at 17:36 UTC
    Why the need for sprintf ?? Am I missing something of importance?

    If sprintf is not needed, here is one at 49 chars....
    sub a{$_=pop;{s/(\d)(\d{3})(?!\d)/$1,$2/&&redo}$_.'.00'}
    update: I am a little confused about the input, the post asks for an integer, which would not have any decimal places, but some of the input has a decimal place..
    Should this handle input with decimal places, or should it just trust that the user submits integers only?
    perl -e '$_=$0;split??;chop$_;$;=pop@_;$;++for(0..9060420);$_.=reverse +$;;print'
      To get the precision correct. Your script fails if you input 1234.56.



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