in reply to Re: (Golf) Formatting Integer To Money
in thread (Golf) Formatting NumberTo Money
Why the need for sprintf ?? Am I missing something of importance?
If sprintf is not needed, here is one at 49 chars....
Should this handle input with decimal places, or should it just trust that the user submits integers only?
If sprintf is not needed, here is one at 49 chars....
update: I am a little confused about the input, the post asks for an integer, which would not have any decimal places, but some of the input has a decimal place..sub a{$_=pop;{s/(\d)(\d{3})(?!\d)/$1,$2/&&redo}$_.'.00'}
Should this handle input with decimal places, or should it just trust that the user submits integers only?
perl -e '$_=$0;split??;chop$_;$;=pop@_;$;++for(0..9060420);$_.=reverse +$;;print'
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