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Re: Re: Job Market Fall '02 issues

by LeGo (Chaplain)
on Sep 01, 2002 at 05:31 UTC ( [id://194434]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Job Market Fall '02 issues
in thread Job Market Fall '02 issues

If you don't want to trade jobs links you could trade advice on how to get in the door as an entry-level programmer. I am personally looking for a job as a Perl programmer. I have had many jobs with other languages that I don't find as fun. I just finished some ABAP work and there is usually not more than one way to do things with ABAP. I want to get into doing Perl work because I enjoy the community. I am here on Saturday night trying to expand that knowledge base with the camel to my left...

I don't necessarily need links, but rather advice. Such as how to start, where to start and really what to expect (salary wise, work wise, responsibility wise, etc…).


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