in reply to RE: RE: RE: Get those parameters without
in thread Get those parameters without

I never said I have a better way. I said, "this is what I use." Show me where that says it's better than No where. Did I rewrite an experts code? Anything I write has probably already been written by somebody, somewhere. Does that mean I'm trying to prove I'm better than someone else? No. I'm trying to learn how to program something for myself.

Is my code not portable? Is it insecure? How about actually giving me a few pointers on how to program better instead of cutting me down.

  • Comment on RE: RE: RE: RE: Get those parameters without

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RE:(5) Get those parameters without
by jjhorner (Hermit) on Jun 23, 2000 at 03:28 UTC

    I, for one, feel this defensiveness is unjustified. merlyn wasn't insulting you, he was warning you not to do work or reinvent the wheel when it wasn't necessary. He was pointing out that there are some amazing modules available and that you probably shouldn't rewrite them, just to say you did.

    This isn't cool.

    J. J. Horner
    Linux, Perl, Apache, Stronghold, Unix
      Merlyn said all that. But he DID insult the code - there are less blunt and offensive ways to make a point.