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I/O problems...what am I missing?by psychoto (Novice) |
on Sep 16, 2002 at 05:34 UTC ( [id://198158]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
psychoto has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I've written a very basic program that reads one long line of data from an external file and the data is supposed to be sorted and then displayed. Very basic stuff here. I wrote the code without using any sort opperator, because I wanted a change. My output isn't quite what I'm expecting and for the life of me I cannot locate the problem....Any ideas? The basic code for the program is as follows:: My input file is as follows: Perl Programming:Joe Smith, 87:Jane Thompson, 93:Ed Jones, 75:Nancy Edwards, 84:James Allen, 64:Peggy Johnson, 68:Bill Swanson, 98:Thomas Jefferson, 76:Abraham Lincoln, 71:John Adams, 84:Theodore Roosevelt, 66:John F. Kennedy, 80:Jimmy Carter, 75:Ronald Reagan, 97:Grover Cleveland, 95:Dwight D. Eisenhower, 96:George Bush, 94: The desired output I am hoping for is: Line 1 -- A header displayed with class title and # of students. Line 2 -- Lowest score on test Line 3 -- Highest score Line 4 -- Average Line 5 -- blank Line 6+ (Name of student) scored (score) sorted from low score to high score.Currently my output is very scattered. Only 3 students are displayed, and no scores are displayed other than High/low/average. I believe my pseudo-sort is funtioning...but I'm unsure. I've stared aimlessly at this code for 2 hours now and thought maybe I should post if for all the "gurus" to glance at it and fix my problem in 12 seconds. Thanks in advance Great and Mighty Monks!!!
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