robartes's user image
User since: Sep 30, 2002 at 12:02 UTC (22 years ago)
Last here: Sep 12, 2023 at 13:08 UTC (1 year ago)
Experience: 4523
Level:Priest (14)
Writeups: 394
Location:Zemst, BE
User picture:Modified for humanitarian reasons
User's vanity :: Robartes
User's localtime: Jan 24, 2025 at 19:47 +02
Scratchpad: View
For this user:Search nodes

Experience: none earned, all stolen

Robartes, the nickname
My nickname robartes stems from Michael Robartes, a recurring character in the poetry of W.B. Yeats. Briefly (because that's all I know about it, not because that's all there is to it), Yeats developed a number of personas or alter egos in his poetry to reflect certain aspects of human personality in general and his own in particular. One of these characters was Michael Robartes, who, in Yeats words, was fire reflecting in water or the adoration of the magi. Robartes features heavily in the middle and later periods of his work and even has a poetry collection named after him: Michael Robartes and the Dancer. If you are really interested, here are some perlified versions of some of Yeats' work:
Robartes, the monk
Well, not much to say there. Background wise, I have a history in Unix system administration. I am a chemist by education but have left the world of beakers (or in my case, flashing lasers and funky radicals) behind for the brave new world of IT. I'm currently a consultant, playing system engineer and amazingly seeming to get away with it. I have been using Perl ever since I started playing around with Unix boxen but have recently ramped up my use of the beast significantly.

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Robartes, some nodes
Some not so randomly chosen nodes: