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Re: Re: Linked-list Style Data Structure

by impossiblerobot (Deacon)
on Oct 07, 2002 at 13:06 UTC ( [id://203313]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Linked-list Style Data Structure
in thread Linked-list Style Data Structure

Thanks, Abigail-II, for pointing out the vagueness in my question. The specific functionality that I am looking for at this point is essentially as you stated:

  • The ability to define the data structure simply (preferably using an array or list).
  • The ability to find out the name of the next or previous item based on the the current (or a named) item.

Although I currently do not need to insert or delete elements, I might need to in the future. However, since my lists will never be that long, and I would not do it that often, I could probably still use your suggestion (and rebuild the entire index when necessary) without any noticable performance issues.

In any case, it seems that you are advocating trying to use a data structure appropriate to the task, rather than relying on a generic structure that might be less suited. Am I understanding correctly?

Impossible Robot
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Re: Linked-list Style Data Structure
by Abigail-II (Bishop) on Oct 07, 2002 at 14:12 UTC
    In any case, it seems that you are advocating trying to use a data structure appropriate to the task, rather than relying on a generic structure that might be less suited. Am I understanding correctly?
    Yes, that's the Perl (and Unix) way. You have a large toolkit at your disposal, with lots of different tools. Different tools for different jobs. Use your toolkit. The saying "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" is not at all appropriate for Perl.


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