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Difficulty inserting a large object using DBD::Pgby kudra (Vicar) |
on Jun 29, 2000 at 15:46 UTC ( [id://20355]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
kudra has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I am trying to insert a large object in a PostgreSQL database, but am
having difficulties finding a graceful way to do this. Note that the
included code has been simplified to avoid distractions--I am well aware
that I should be addressing possible errors.
System information:
I have created a table with one field, data, which is of type OID. Next I attempt to insert by more or less copying the code on page 153 of 'Programming the Perl DBI': I receive a warning that binding the value isn't permitted: Whereupon it fails with a pg_atoi error. I can insert by writing $value to a file and using the (presumably Postgres-specific) function lo_import: I'm not pleased with this solution because it requires the creation of a temporary file and it seems to undermine the use of DBI to use a database-specific insert. I imagine some of the problem has to do with the unusual way Postgres deals with large objects. I expected that the Pg DBD would compensate for that, perhaps using lo_import, but accepting the format shown earlier. The fact that I can't seem to find any documentation mentioning this problem (which I imagine must have occurred before) makes me feel as if I've completely failed to grasp something simple (or that Pg's documentation-dearth is contagious, affecting anything that touches Postgres). Is there a better way to insert a large object in Postgres using DBI? Thanks in advance.
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