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My preferred method for chatting with other users

by vroom (His Eminence)
on Jun 30, 2000 at 04:59 UTC ( [id://20526]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Vote on this poll

[bar] 32/20%
Console based PM-Chat
[bar] 8/5%
[bar] 1/1%
Java Chatterbox
[bar] 9/5%
#perlmonks on
[bar] 25/15%
[bar] 55/34%
I avoid it at all costs
[bar] 34/21%
164 total votes
  • Comment on My preferred method for chatting with other users
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by Jonathan (Curate) on Jun 30, 2000 at 12:11 UTC
    For fellow Perl users then Chatterbox for me

    For all other users, through a lawyer.
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by httptech (Chaplain) on Jun 30, 2000 at 07:00 UTC
      Or even the new and not so improved mchattk based on shendal's, It's straight Perl/Tk.
(jeffa) RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by jeffa (Bishop) on Jun 30, 2000 at 06:02 UTC
    Anybody up for the old-fashioned cans and strings network?
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by N-Wing (Deacon) on Jun 30, 2000 at 20:58 UTC
    I voted for Java Chatterbox, even though I currently use the HTML-based on here more. "Why?", you ask. (Ask now, darnit.)
    Because I use it on, where the chatterbox is busier. Just you all wait until PerlMonks gets as talkative as E2... the auto-updating clients will become more and more attractive.
    (my problem with TP is that I broadcast to too many people)

    --== N ==--
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by davorg (Chancellor) on Jun 30, 2000 at 12:13 UTC
      Reporting live from a pub in London. Mines a pint. Hic
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by ZZamboni (Curate) on Jul 01, 2000 at 00:43 UTC
    I voted for "Console-based PM-chat" because that's what I've been using (the plain text client that comes with my module). I had not seen of the existence of ase's mchattk, and in fact I had been thinking of writing a Tk interface. I will certainly take a look at it and maybe switch.

    I must say it's very gratifying to see all those people using my module. I'm flattered :-)


RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by mrmick (Curate) on Jun 30, 2000 at 19:41 UTC
    To be totally honest, Chatterbox is the only tool I have tried so far. I suppose then that votes such as mine really aren't a fair measure of what monks prefer. :-)
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by csorensen (Beadle) on Jun 30, 2000 at 20:51 UTC
    every time I try telepathically .. the wires get crossed and I wind up receiving some monks spanking fantasy about Bill Gates.
    from now on it's chatterbox only !
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 01, 2000 at 22:13 UTC
    Me, I'm usually at DALNet's #perl, nick Kaufmann. (Hi, gang!)
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by t0mas (Priest) on Jun 30, 2000 at 10:05 UTC
    I use my home-brewed (very alfa right now) Win32::Console based Chatterbox client because I can't live without Corions eConsole. :)

    /brother t0mas
RE: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by spectre (Scribe) on Jul 01, 2000 at 01:42 UTC
    I guess I'm just an irc whore, I've been using it for a looooong time

Re: My preferred method for chatting with other users
by porqui (Acolyte) on Aug 20, 2003 at 21:32 UTC
    posted the day after my birthday! I had to vote, even if it was an old node.

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