Buckaroo Buddha has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

i had this working at one point but it suddenly stopped
sub BackAndForth { my ($filename) = @_; # make multi-dimensional hash here ... it looks like # $ALLDATA{$filename}{$key1}{$key2}{$key3} = [@array] return (%ALLDATA); } my %ExternalHash = &BackAndForth('filename.csv'); %ExternalHash = &BackAndForth('filename2.csv');
   now i played around with it a bit and can't remember 
   what i may have changed ... $ here, % there (yadda yadda)

   if i do a variable dump on %ALLDATA i get ... 
%ALLDATA = ( 'key1' => HASH(0x9021f6c) 'key2' => HASH(0x90154a8) 'key3' => ARRAY(0x9015400) 0 value1 1 value2
   but if i do the same on %external i get 
%thisDataset = ( '' => HASH(0x876f324) 'key2' => HASH(0x9029220) empty hash)
       looking at the memory locations, we can see that 
       they're not the same hashes (but that should be 
       obvious cause i'm getting the return of a strange 
       set of data)

       where is the garbage coming from ?
return(\%ALLDATA) %external = (yadda yadda) or $external = (blah ...