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by mhi (Friar)
on Oct 28, 2002 at 10:32 UTC ( [id://208473]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Ey, my name is Michael.

I'm a Sysadmin. Environment used to be mostly HP-UX, qmail, Netscape(iPlanet)-Webservers, -Webproxies, -LDAP-Servers, BIND4. Now it's more linux, postfix, BIND9, a bunch of internet domain name management and some consulting here and there.

I tend to use shells‎crip‎ts with perl and any other handy un*x tools for most any little quick-and-dirty stuff or mainly perl for anything beyond that.

However, as an admin I'm not primarily a coder, so perl to me is a tool, not a way of life. :-)

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