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Re: (tye)Re: the "@" indicates plural hence "s" is redundant

by impossiblerobot (Deacon)
on Oct 30, 2002 at 17:54 UTC ( [id://209178]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (tye)Re: the "@" indicates plural hence "s" is redundant
in thread the "@" indicates plural hence "s" is redundant

So using @users can lead to more code that is less like English if you use elements of the array more than the array itself.

I have been guilty of taking this concept of "how you will use it" to the extreme of naming collective variables with an 's' if I primarily expect to act on the list as a whole (or iterating over it), but naming without an 's' when I expect to reference individual elements a lot.

Fortunately, I'm usually coding alone. :-)

Impossible Robot
  • Comment on Re: (tye)Re: the "@" indicates plural hence "s" is redundant

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