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Re: Re: Why learn another language?

by AcidHawk (Vicar)
on Nov 15, 2002 at 13:59 UTC ( [id://213154]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Why learn another language?
in thread Why learn another language?

I must admit that I took a short look at C a while ago and was overwhelmed.. and just recently tried again. Since I have learned so much in Perl I find that I understand far more than the first time I tried.. I suspect that the same will be true of many languages I will come across in the future.

Of all the things I've lost in my life, its my mind I miss the most.

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Re: Re: Re: Why learn another language?
by petesmiley (Friar) on Nov 15, 2002 at 16:03 UTC
    Methinks C would be a good thing to learn. Seeing that speed is one issue that might actually turn up one day, you'd have the skills to write modules in C ;) Personally, I'm attacking a problem right now that requires some C knowledge to go with me perl. That's a first for me personally. Thankfully I started as a C programmer.

    As far as other languages, Java might not hurt for marketability. Not only that, but the similarities of other languages to Java would allow for easier steps to the rest.

    Beyond that, I agree with some of the others here. You don't NEED to learn anything. But, where is the fun in that?

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