A few people commented that I wasn't clear in my question and also asked for example input and output.
The input in this loop is:
my @empty_square = qw(+----+
We iterate over several of these boxes, and need to replace
. with spaces and a number in the upper left hand corner. I have some logic, that isn't included hear, to determine when to add the number.
The desired output of this loop would be if $putNum is true, the replace |....| with |1 | the first time, |2 | the second, etc. However, all it does now, if $putNum is true, it replaces all |....| with |1 |.
I can fix this if I replace the following:
foreach my $boxLine ( @empty_square) {
foreach my $line ( @empty_square) {
my $boxLine = $line;
I hope this makes it clearer.