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Re: Re: Fixing Bad HTML

by Cody Pendant (Prior)
on Nov 17, 2002 at 01:25 UTC ( [id://213485]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Fixing Bad HTML
in thread Fixing Bad HTML

Thanks for that. That's a structure at least. But what if the thing to be closed isn't the last item in the stack, like if someone's crossed over tags:
blah blah <B>blah blah<I> blah blah</B></I>
which is bad HTML, but not problematic in this context?
($_='jjjuuusssttt annootthheer pppeeerrrlll haaaccckkeer')=~y/a-z//s;print;

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Re: Re: Re: Fixing Bad HTML
by diotalevi (Canon) on Nov 17, 2002 at 02:25 UTC

    Either do as saouq sez and just don't create a mis-feature or... jump right in and do the beastly thing yourself (you do no one favors by enabling bad behaviour). If I were to actually do this you could also consider keeping track of how many tags have been opened and be sure to close them before ending your user-accessible section.

    __SIG__ use B; printf "You are here %08x\n", unpack "L!", unpack "P4", pack "L!", B::svref_2object(sub{})->OUTSIDE;
Re: Re: Re: Fixing Bad HTML
by sauoq (Abbot) on Nov 17, 2002 at 01:59 UTC
    which is bad HTML, but not problematic in this context?

    Opt for being strict. Disallow such crappy markup.

    "My two cents aren't worth a dime.";
Re: Re: Re: Fixing Bad HTML
by seattlejohn (Deacon) on Nov 17, 2002 at 23:05 UTC
    Though I'd be inclined to disallow sloppy markup like this (as others have suggested), one option I've used in the past is to backtrack up the stack looking for a matching tag and autoclosing any open tags I pass along the way.

    In this case that would proceed something like this. You get to the </B> and look at the tag at the top of the stack. It's not a <B>, it's an <I>, so you generate a </I> yourself and pop that off the stack, then try again. This time it is a <B> so you can just pop it off the top and you move on.

    The next closing tag is </I>. Since there's no matching open tag on the stack, you simply remove it.

            $perlmonks{seattlejohn} = 'John Clyman';

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