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I live in this Continent

by vroom (His Eminence)
on Jan 18, 2000 at 22:43 UTC ( [id://2142]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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[bar] 11/9%
[bar] 23/18%
[bar] 1/1%
[bar] 4/3%
North America
[bar] 60/47%
South America
[bar] 5/4%
Holland, MI
[bar] 8/6%
Where's Wyoming?
[bar] 8/6%
[bar] 9/7%
129 total votes
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: I live in this Continent
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 09, 2004 at 08:47 UTC

    I ain't in continent, I just relax a little too much sometimes.

Re: I live in this Continent
by mildside (Friar) on Feb 09, 2004 at 05:19 UTC
    I come from a land down under.
      Where women glow and men plunder?
Re: I live in this Continent
by Anomynous Monk (Scribe) on Feb 09, 2004 at 08:42 UTC
    If I were to live in Israel, it would be in Asia. Sadly, I do not; I live in North America.
Re: I live in this Continent
by chacham (Prior) on Jul 16, 2014 at 11:56 UTC

    What? No Atlantis?

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