I do not know what means "change an account on w2k service"
Am I right that this is just user account?
Here is a code borrowed from "Perl for System Administration" book that creates an account, modification of an user is quite similar to it
use Win32::OLE;
$ADsPath = "WinNT://_enter_domain_name_here_/_enter_computer_name_,com
$c = Win32::OLE->GetObject($ADsPath) or die "can't get $ADsPath\n";
# create & return User
$u = $c->Create("user","xx");
$u->SetInfo(); # first create object for user, and thenchange values
# in WinNT: a space between "Full" and "Name" is impossible
$u->{FullName} = "XXX-user!";
A point is to use Win32::OLE for WMI, which is a central point for Win2K administration manupilations.
Best wishes,
Courage, the Cowardly Dog |