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Re: MOPT-01 - assumptions and spaces

by Ctrl-z (Friar)
on Dec 10, 2002 at 19:17 UTC ( [id://218870]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to MOPT-01 - assumptions and spaces

great post. Thankyou for taking the time to share this kind of stuff.

I find it frustrating there is no '(Intoduction to) Computer Science with Perl' type books. There seems to be many people, myself included, stuck somewhere between CGI-101, the Camel/Perldocs and 'purer' academic concepts.
Odd, considering the nature of Perl as a language?

looking forward to the next one!

edit: Well, whadayaknow!
Computer Science & Perl Programming, released last month.

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Re2: MOPT-01 - assumptions and spaces
by mstone (Deacon) on Dec 11, 2002 at 01:24 UTC

    Odd, considering the nature of Perl as a language?

    Not really.. Perl is a high-level language, and high-level languages don't spend much time making the underlying theory visible. Pretty much the opposite, in fact.

    High-level languages make the things programmers are most likely to do as easy to do as possible. If that means hiding a vast amount of complexity under the rug, so much the better.

    In terms of programming theory, the statement:


    is one of the most complicated things you can do. I'll explain why in future posts, but we have a hell of a lot of territory to cover before we get to a machine sophisticated enough to implement that command.

    Nobody wants to do that much work every time they need to increment a counter. We just want to say, "make $x bigger" and let the machine work out all the gory details. And that's what high-level languages are for.

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