# table definition
CREATE TABLE "chatter" (
"chatterbox" text NOT NULL,
"messagetime" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
"userid" integer,
"username" text,
"message" text,
Constraint "chatter_pkey" Primary Key ("chatterbox", "messagetime"
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 DESCRIPTION - what is this cbhistory thing?
Well it keeps a history of messages uttered in the cb, so if you
walk in on something I<interesting>, you can catch up without
saying: "what are you guys talking about?"
=head1 USAGE
make a crontab entry looking like
*/5 * * * * cd /path/to/script/ && ./cbhistory.pl>/dev/null
You can do it using crontab -e.
You really shouldn't run it more than every 6 minutes, but because
of how cron works and whatnot, 5 will do.
Don't run it more often than 4 minutes, cause the whole point
is to get a recent history of messages so if you walk in something
you know what is up, not use it as a replacement to framechat ;)
This is not a cb client
=head1 SETUP
You need to define your database connection. See the C<constant>
definitions below.
You also need to setup your database. Messages are stored in a
table called C<chatter> with the following layout (this for postgresql
Column Type Usage
Chatterbox text Chatterbox name (see %boxes keys)
MessageTime timestamp Time message was sent
UserId integer ID of user that sent message
UserName text Name of user that sent message
Message text The message itself
This table should have a primary key consisting of the Chatterbox
and MessageTime fields.
=head1 HISTORY
this version written by pfaut of perlmonks.
cbhistory is derived from cblast35 which was written by
BEGIN # better then getting mail fron cron when the script fails
{ # even if it is a "performance penalty", but really, its not ;-)
use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
open(LOG, ">>cbhistory.err.log") or
die "can't append to cbhistory.pl.err.log: $!";
use strict; # Fo' health and pleasure
use XML::Parser; # Fo' parsering'em XML
use DBI; # Fo' da db
use LWP::UserAgent; # Fo' fetching'em tickers
require HTTP::Request;
require HTTP::Response;
use constant DB_CONNECT => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=chatter';
# this user should have all rights on the chatter table
use constant DB_USER => 'username';
use constant DB_PASS => 'password';
# known chatterboxes
my %boxes = ( PM => 'http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl',
JJ => 'http://www.javajunkies.org/index.pl' );
# it begins
my $dbh = DBI->connect(DB_CONNECT, DB_USER, DB_PASS,
or die "Error connecting to database: $DBI::errstr";
my $insert_stmt = $dbh->prepare(<<SQL);
insert into chatter (chatterbox, messagetime, userid, username, messag
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
foreach (sort keys %boxes) {
delete from chatter where messagetime < current_timestamp - '1 hour'::
sub update_history
my ($boxname, $cbtickerurl) = @_;
$cbtickerurl .= '?node=Chatterbox+xml+ticker';
my $dangtimeout = 15;
# apparently, this is not the timeout for the entire session
# but for each packet ([id://79502])
my $messages = &fetch_cb_xml($cbtickerurl,$dangtimeout);
print "$boxname has no messages",return unless defined %{$messages
undef $messages;
}# it ends
###### - \ | / ~ \ | / - \ | / ~ \ | / - \ | / ~ \ | / - \ | / ~ S U B
+ L A N D
=head2 C<&tyebinds($box,$messages);>
Takes a reference to the freshly fetched messages.
asks L<&can_i_write> for I<permission>.
If denied, sleeps five seconds, and asks again.
die's if it doesn't get permission.
If it does get permission (a semaphore file is created),
it updates the DB_File database with the new messages,
and then removes all but the last 35 messages,
untie's the hash, and deletes the semaphore file
sub tyebinds
my $box = shift;
my $newmessages = shift;
# update the message hash
for my $timestamp(sort keys %{$newmessages})
my ($tym) = $timestamp;
$tym =~ s/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/$1-$2-$3 $4:$
my $idn = $newmessages->{$timestamp}->{monkid};
my $nym = $newmessages->{$timestamp}->{monk};
my $msg = $newmessages->{$timestamp}->{message};
$msg =~ s/[\n\r]+//g;
# ignore errors, probably duplicate key because we picked
# up the message on the last scan
$insert_stmt->execute($box, $tym, $idn, $nym, $msg);
undef $newmessages;
=head2 C<fetch_cb_xml($cbtickerurl)>
uses LWP::UserAgent to fetch the xml from $cbtickerurl.
Dies if this fails.
If it does not, uses XML::Parser to build a hash of the current messag
which is never more than 20(IIRC, or the last 8 minutes if things are
and returns a reference to that hash (C<\%messages>).
sub fetch_cb_xml
my ($cbtickerurl,$dangtimeout) = @_;
die("&fetch_cb_xml takes two params")unless($cbtickerurl && $dangt
# why redundancy, dudn't hurt much
my $raw_xml = &requestitraw($cbtickerurl,$dangtimeout);
die "LWP::Simple::get ate it on $cbtickerurl ($!)"
unless(length $raw_xml > 4);
# self documenting code is goood, but comments can't hurt
my $messages = {};
my $xml_parser = new XML::Parser(
Handlers => {
Start => \&_xml_start,
End => \&_xml_end,
Char => \&_xml_char,
Default => \&_xml_def,
$xml_parser->{crazy_hashref_b392} = $messages;
# make sure you don't call "crazy_hashref_b392"
# "Handler" or some other key the module uses ;-)
$xml_parser->parse($raw_xml); # parse the xml, &fill {crazy_hashre
undef($raw_xml); # kinda redundant, but i like redund
undef($xml_parser); # paranoia
return $messages;
=head2 C<&requestitraw($cbtickerurl,$dangtimeout);>
Uses HTTP::Request along with LWP::UserAgent to fetch
the latest messages.
sub requestitraw
# LWP simple would've been fine, but hey, I wanted to use UserAgent
# But, Dangit Jim, I wanted a timeout
my ($toget, $dangtimeout) = @_;
my $REQUS = new HTTP::Request(GET => $toget);
my $USERA = new LWP::UserAgent();
$USERA->agent("cb Last 35 - crazy is good 4.98");
$USERA->timeout($dangtimeout||30 ); # in case you think you're
my $RESPO = $USERA->simple_request($REQUS);
die "the $toget request failed" if(!$RESPO->is_success && $RESPO->
return $RESPO->content;
## Thank you id://62782 ####,
# The XML::Parser Handlers
sub _xml_start # beginning tag
my ($expat, # the object who invoked the sub
$name, # what to do
%attributes) = @_; # wood for the chipper(what the fu'?
my $msghash = $expat->{crazy_hashref_b392};# don't call it Handler
+s ;-)
if($name eq 'message')
my $userid = $attributes{'user_id'};
my $author = $attributes{'author'};
my $timest = $attributes{'time'};
$expat->{mark} = # the trigger
$msghash->{$timest} = {monkid => $userid,
monk => $author,
message => ''};
sub _xml_char # more like text (tag encapsulated stuff)
my ($expat, $not_markup) = @_;
if(exists $expat->{mark} and defined $expat->{mark})
# this be the stuff in between message tag
$expat->{mark}->{message} .= $not_markup;
# i .= append because XML::Parser chuncks
sub _xml_def{}
# mostly space, with some tabs and newlines sprinkled about the north
+west area
sub _xml_end # it's an *end* (closing) tag
my ($expat, $name) = @_;
undef($expat->{mark}); # after the tag close, we wait for the nex
+t one
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# cbhistory is derived from cblast35 which was written by
# crazyinsomniac.
use strict;
use CGI qw¡:standard url *table *Tr *td¡;
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1;# Disable uploads
$CGI::POST_MAX =-1;# Maximum number of bytes per post
use CGI::Carp q!fatalsToBrowser!;
use DBI;
use HTML::TokeParser;
use constant DB_CONNECT => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=chatter';
# this user needs SELECT rights on the chatter table
use constant DB_USER => 'username';
use constant DB_PASS => 'password';
my %allowed = ( a=>1, b=>1, br=>1, em=>1, i=>1, kbd=>1, s=>1, samp=>1,
strike=>1, strong=>1, sub=>1, sup=>1, tt=>1, u=>1 );
# known chatterboxes
my %boxes = ( PM => { URL => 'http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl',
NAME => 'Perl Monks' },
JJ => { URL => 'http://www.javajunkies.org/index.pl',
NAME => 'JavaJunkies' } );
my $html;
my $q = new CGI;
# D'loop Mayno
# ChatterboxXMLTicker
my $box = param("site");
my $plain = param("plain");
my $url = $q->url(-relative=>1);
if ( !$box || !exists($boxes{$box}) ) {
$html = &show_available_boxes();
$html .= &show_links();
} else {
my $dbh = DBI->connect(DB_CONNECT, DB_USER, DB_PASS,
or die "Error connecting to database: $DBI::errstr";
my $select_stmt = $dbh->prepare(<<SQL);
select messagetime, userid, username, message
from chatter where chatterbox=?
order by messagetime
my $pmurl = $boxes{$box}{URL} . '?';
$url .= "?site=$box";
$url .= '&plain=1' unless $plain;
$html =
start_html('-title' =>
"$boxes{$box}{NAME} Recent Chatterbox Messages",
'-dtd' => "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN")
. basefont({face => "Arial",
size => "2",
color => "black"})
. h3("gmtime is ", &_timestamp)
. p(a({href=>$url},
. start_table({cellspacing => 2, width => "100%",
cellpadding => 2, border => 1});
while (my $msg = $select_stmt->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $user_ref = a( { href=>$pmurl.'node_id='.$msg->{userid} },
my $text = $msg->{message};
my $output;
my $me = 0;
if ($plain) {
$output .= escapeHTML($text);
} else {
if ($text =~ m|^/me\W|) {
$output = $user_ref;
$text = substr($text,3);
$output .= &format_message($text,$pmurl);
$output = i($output) if $me;
$html .= start_Tr . start_td;
$html .= font({'-size' => '2'},
$user_ref, br, $msg->{messagetime}
$html .= end_td . start_td;
# $html .= textarea(-default=>$msg->{message}, -rows=>3, -colum
$html .= span($output);
$html .= end_td . end_Tr;
$html .= end_table;
$html .= p("No recent messages.") if $select_stmt->rows == 0;
$html .= hr
. a( {'href' => "http://validator.w3.org/check/referer"},
img( {'src'=>"valid-html40.png",
'alt'=>"Valid HTML 4.0!",
. end_html;
print header(-type => 'text/html',
-content_length => length($html),
-expires => '+5m' ), # cache only for five minutes
################################## SUBLAND ######<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
################################## SUBLAND >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
=head2 C<&_timestamp>
returns current perlmonks compatible gmtime
sub _timestamp # current gmtime
@_ = (gmtime(time))[5,4,3,2,1,0];
# gimme a slice of that list
$_[0]+=1900; # hey hey, y 2 k
$_[1]+=1; # 0..11 ne 'true month'
return sprintf("%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", @_);
=head2 C<&show_available_boxes>
Displays a list of chatterboxes for which this system keeps histories.
sub show_available_boxes {
my $html =
start_html('-title' => "Recent Chatterbox Messages",
'-dtd' => "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN")
. basefont({face => "Arial",
size => "2",
color => "black"})
. h1('Available Chatterbox Histories')
. p(q(Chatterbox messages from within the past hour are available
for the following sites))
. ul( li( [ map { a({href=>url.'?site='.$_},
$boxes{$_}{NAME}) } sort keys %boxes ] ) )
. end_html;
return $html;
=head2 C<&addurls($siteurl,$p1,$p2>
Called from within a regex to convert bracketed text to urls.
C<$siteurl> should be the base URL for the site with a C<?> appended.
C<$p1> is the first part of the bracketed text (before the pipe).
C<$p2> is the second part of the bracketed text (after the pipe) or
sub addurls {
my ($siteurl,$p1,$p2) = @_;
my $url;
my $text;
# is a protocol specified?
if ($p1 =~ m|^(\w+)://(.*)|) {
# match known 'protocols'
if ($1 eq 'id') {
$url = $siteurl."node_id=$2";
$p2 = "node $2" unless $p2;
} elsif ($1 eq 'pad') {
$url = $siteurl."node=Scratch Pad Viewer&user=$2";
$p2 = "$2's scratchpad" unless $p2;
} elsif ($1 eq 'google') {
$url = "http://www.google.com/search?text=$2";
$p2 = $2 unless $p2;
} elsif ($1 eq 'http') {
$url = $p1;
} elsif ($1 eq 'cpan') {
$url = "http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=$2";
$p2 = $2 unless $p2;
} else {
# just text, it's a page on the site
$url = $siteurl."node=$p1";
$p2 = $p1 unless $p2;
if ($url) {
# generate the address tag
$text = $p2 ? $p2 : $url;
$text = a({href=>$url},$text);
} else {
# can't figure out what they're trying to link to
$text = "[$p1";
$text .= "|$p2" if $p2;
$text .= ']';
=head2 C<&format_message>
Scans the message text for HTML tokens and bracketed text and
generates new HTML.
sub format_message {
my ($text,$siteurl) = @_;
my $output = "";
my $tp = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$text);
my $code = 0;
while (my $tok = $tp->get_token) {
if ($tok->[0] eq 'T') {
if ($code) {
$output .= escapeHTML($tok->[1]);
} else {
my $t = $tok->[1];
$t =~ s{\[([^|\]]+)(?:\|([^\]]+))?\]}
$output .= $t;
next TOKEN;
if ($tok->[0] eq 'S') {
if ($code) {
$output .= escapeHTML($tok->[4]);
next TOKEN;
if ($tok->[1] eq 'code') {
$output .= $tok->[4];
next TOKEN;
if ($allowed{$tok->[1]}) {
$output .= $tok->[4];
} else {
$output .= escapeHTML($tok->[4]);
next TOKEN;
if ($tok->[0] eq 'C') {
$output .= escapeHTML($tok->[1]);
next TOKEN;
if ($tok->[0] eq 'E') {
if ($code) {
if ($tok->[1] eq 'code') {
$output .= $tok->[2];
$code = 0;
} else {
$output .= escapeHTML($tok->[2]);
next TOKEN;
if ($allowed{$tok->[1]}) {
$output .= $tok->[2];
} else {
$output .= escapeHTML($tok->[2]);
next TOKEN;
$output .= escapeHTML($tok->[-1]);
=head2 C<&show_links>
Display links to related sites on the index page.
sub show_links {
dl(map { ($a,$b) = split /\t/; dt(a({href=>$a},$a)).dd($b) } <DATA
+> );
# related site list
# site\tdescription
http://sourceforge.net/projects/jchatter/ Java Chatterbox project p
+age on SourceForge
jchatter.diff Patch to Java Chatterbox to allow selection of a chat
+terbox on the command line