Here's some Tolkien-inspired Zeppelin while you're waiting for
The Two Towers.
# The Battle of Evermore
the_queen->of_light( took_her_bow ) && then->she( turned_to_go );
the_prince->of_peace( embraced the gloom ) && walked->the_night( alone
+ );
%oh = (
dance => "in the dark of night",
sing => "to the morning light"
$dark_lord{rides}="in force tonight";
@time=("will tell us all", "oh");
%oh = (
throw_down => "your plow and hoe",
rest_not => "to lock your homes"
%side = (
by => "side",
we => { wait => "the night" },
of_the => { darkest=> "of them all" }
i->hear( the__horse_s__thunder );
down->in_the_valley( below );
sub waiting {
for( $the_angels_of_avalon )
$waiting_for="the eastern glow";
the_apples->of_the_valley( hold );
the_seas->of( happiness );
the_ground->is_rich_from( tender_care );
@_=("repay", "do not forget", "no", "no");
%oh = (
dance => "in the dark of night",
sing => "to the morning light"
the_apples->turn_to( red_and_black );
the_tyrants->face_is( red );
%oh = (
war => "is the common cry",
pick_up => "your swords",
and => "fly"
%the_sky = (
is => "filled",
with => { good_and_bad => "that mortals never know" }
$_ = "oh, well";
$the_night = "long";
$the_beads{time} = "pass slow";
$tired{eyes} =~ $sunrise;
waiting_for->the_eastern( glow );
$the_pain_of_war lt $the_woe_of_aftermath;
$the_drums_will{shake} = "the castle walls";
%the_Ringwraiths = (
ride_in => "black",
ride => "on"
%sing = (
as_you_raise => "your bow",
shoot => "straighter than before"
no_comfort->has( the_fire_at_night );
that->lights( the_face_so_cold );
%oh = (
dance => "in the dark of night",
sing => "to the morning light"
$the_magic_runes_are = (
writ => "in gold",
to_bring => {the_balance=>"back"}
$sun = "shining";
clouds->blue( roll_by );
flames->from( dragon_of_darkness );
$the_sunlight{blinds} = "his eyes";
print <<BRING_IT;
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Oh now
Bring it
Bring it
Bring it