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Interlaced duplicate file finder

by abell (Chaplain)
on Jan 06, 2003 at 21:18 UTC ( [id://224748]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info Antonio Bellezza

A script to find and remove duplicate files in one or more directory. It serves the same purpose as salvadors's module (see also File::Find::Duplicates), but it's more efficient when discriminating different files of the same size.*

The program gets a speed-up by reducing file reads to a minimum. In most cases, it only reads small chunks from unique files and only files with duplicates are read completely. Thus, it is particularly fit for big collections of audio files or images (shameless advertisement ;).*

* - added and revised explanation, inspired by merlyn's comment.

The rationale behind this program is: verifying whether two files differ doesn't require reading them completely. The program first groups the files by size, then iteratively subdivides the groups according to some samples of the files. Sample size and distribution increase and identical files are read completely (the only way to prove they are really identical).

Update: It is safe to remove use of Digest::MD5 and sub hash, which could be used to experiment with different hashing methods but are not used by the program in its present form.

Update: this has evolved to a more complex program.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# dupfinder: find duplicate files
# Copyright Antonio Bellezza 2003
# mail:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

use strict;

# Show program usage if no arguments are given
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
    exit 0;

my $finder = Finder -> new( @ARGV );

my @group = $finder -> findDuplicates();

# Result printout and elaboration
for my $group ( @group ) {
    print "Possible duplicates of size $group->[0]{size}:\n";
    for (1..$#$group) {
    print "[$_] $group->[$_]\n";
    print "\nACTION: [] continue  [1-$#$group] keep corresponding file
+ and remove the rest\n";
    my $input = <STDIN>;
    chomp $input;
    next if $input eq '';
    if ($input =~ m|([0-9]+)| && $1 > 0 && $1 <= $#$group) {

    for (0..($1-1), ($1+1)..$#$group) {
        my $delendum = $group -> [$_];
        print "Unlinking $delendum: ";
        unlink $delendum;
        print "done\n";
    print "\n";

# usage()
# Show usage
sub usage {
    print "Usage: dupfinder dir ...\n",
    "Find and interactively remove duplicate files\n",

package Finder;

# A finder is implemented as a hash
# $finder -> {groups} is the array of groups of possibly
# equal files
# Each group is an array whose first element is a hash
# with the various key attributes.
# Subsequent elements are the filenames in the group
# Example:
# [
#   [ { size=>0 }, 'empty.txt', 'null.dat', 'nothing_here' ],
#   [ { size=>1321, hash12=>'xyz' }, 'myfile.a', 'myfile.b' ],
#   [ { size=>1321, hash12=>'wtt' }, 'myfile.c', 'myfile.d' ]
# ]

use strict;
use IO::File;
use File::Find;
use Digest::MD5 qw( md5 );

use constant MINREADSIZE => 1024;
use constant MAXREADSIZE => 1024 * 1024;
use constant BLOCK   => 4096;

our $VERSION = '1.0';

our $handles = {};

# new ( dir, ... )
# Create new finder
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = {
    dirs     => [ @_ ],
    groups   => [],
    terminal => []
    return bless $self, $class;

# readDirs ()
# Find all files and setup finder
sub readDirs {
    my $self = shift;
    my $group = [ {} ];
    find( sub { -f && ( push @$group, $File::Find::name ) },
      @{$self->{dirs}} );
    $self -> {groups} = [ $group ];

# findDuplicates()
# Return list of terminal groups
sub findDuplicates {
    my $self = shift;
    my $hasher;
    $self -> readDirs();

#    print $self -> status;

    $hasher = { process  => \&size,
        name     => 'size',
        terminal => sub { shift==0 } };

    $self -> {groups} = [ $self -> partition( $self -> {groups} [0], $
+hasher ) ];

#    print $self -> status;

    $self -> prune();

#    print $self -> status;

    for ( @{$self -> {groups}} ) {
    my @processList = ( $_ );
    my $size = $_ -> [0] {size};
    my $iterator = Finder::Looper -> new( $size );

    while ( @processList and my ( $start, $length ) = $iterator -> nex
+t() ) {
        $hasher = { process => \&sample,
            args    => [ $start, $length ] };
        my @newList = ();
        for (@processList) {
        my @subgroup = ( $self -> partition( $_, $hasher ) );
        $self -> prune( \@subgroup );
        push @newList, @subgroup;
        @processList = @newList;
    closeHandles( @processList );
    $self -> addTerminal( @processList );

    return @{ $self -> {terminal} };

# prune ()
# prune ( \@group )
# Remove groups only containing one file
# If argument is omitted, remove from $self -> {groups}
# Add to terminal groups with terminal key
# Return number of remaining groups
sub prune {
    my $self = shift;
    my $src = $_[0] || $self -> {groups};
    my $counter = 0;
    for ( my $i = $#$src; $i>=0; $i--) {
    my $group = $src -> [$i];
    if ( $group -> [0] {terminal} ) {
        # Remove and add to terminal groups
        $self -> addTerminal( $group );
        closeHandles( $group );
        splice @$src, $i, 1;
    } elsif ( $#$group > 1 ) {
        # Keep in place
        $counter ++;
    } else {
        # Drop group only containing one file
        closeHandles( $group );
        splice @$src, $i, 1;
    return $counter;

# partition( $group, hasher [, hasher par, ... ] )
# Execute a discriminatory step and create subgroups
# Return list of groups
# A hasher is a hash ref of type
# {
#    process  => sub { taking fileName as first arg, key as second arg
+ument },
#    name     => hash-key name / undef if not added,
#    terminal => sub { shift is a terminal key or not },
#    args     => [ extra arguments to pass ]
# }
sub partition {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($group, $hasher, @hasherPar) = @_;

    my $key = shift @{$group};
    my %bucket = ();

    for (@{$group}) {
    my $hash = $hasher -> {process} -> ($_, $key,
                        @{ $hasher -> {args} || [] },
    push @{ $bucket {$hash} ||= [] }, $_;

    my @result = ();

    for (keys %bucket) {
    # Create a clone of the key
    my $newKey = { %$key };
    $newKey -> { $hasher -> {name} } = $_ if $hasher -> {name};
    $newKey -> {terminal} = 1
        if ( $hasher -> {terminal} && $hasher -> {terminal} -> ($_) );
    push @result, [ $newKey, @{$bucket {$_}} ];

    return @result;

# status()
# Return string showing finder status
sub status {
    my $self = shift;
    my $res = 'Groups:';
    for (grep {$_ > 0} map {$#$_} @{$self -> {groups}}) {

    $res .= " $_";

    $res .= "\nTerminal:";
    for (grep {$_ > 0} map {$#$_} @{$self -> {terminal}}) {
    $res .= " $_";
    $res .= "\n";
    return $res;

# function
# fileHandle( filename )
# return fileHandle or undef
sub fileHandle {
    my ($fileName) = @_;
    unless ($handles -> {$fileName}) {
    my $handle = IO::File -> new();
    $handle -> open("<$fileName") || return undef;
    $handles -> {$fileName} = $handle;
    return $handles -> {$fileName};

# function
# closeHandle( filename )
# close handle
sub closeHandle {
    my ($fname) = @_;
    delete $handles -> {$fname};

# function
# closeHandles( $group, ... )
# Close handles of filenames contained in group
sub closeHandles {
    for my $group (@_) {
    for (1..$#$group) {
        closeHandle( $group -> [$_] );

# addTerminal( \@file, ... )
# Add to terminal sets arrays of files with given size
sub addTerminal {
    my $self = shift;
    push @{ $self -> {terminal} }, @_;

    my $error = 0;
# hash ( filename, key [, start [, length ]] )
# Apply MD5 to file segment
sub hash {
    my ($fname, $key, $start, $length) = @_;
    $start ||= 0;

    my $res;

    # Return a consecutive error code if unable to open file
    my $handle = openHandle( $fname ) || return "Error " . $error++;
    $handle -> seek( $start, 0 );

    if ($length) {
    $handle -> read( $res, $length );
    $res = md5( $res );
    } else {
    my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
    while ( $handle -> read( $res, BLOCK ) ) {
        $md5->add( $res );
    $res = $md5->digest();

    return $res;

# sample ( filename, key [, start [, length ] ] )
sub sample {
    my ($fname, $key, $start, $length) = @_;
    $start ||= 0;

    my $res;

    # Return a consecutive error code if unable to open file
    my $handle = fileHandle( $fname ) || return "Error " . $error++;
    $handle -> seek( $start, 0 );

    if ($length) {
    $handle -> read( $res, $length );
    } else {
    $res = '';
    my $buffer;
    while ( $handle -> read( $buffer, BLOCK ) ) {
        $res .= $buffer;

    return $res;

# size ( filename )
# Find file size
sub size {
    my $fname = shift;
    return (stat ($_))[7];

# Finder::Looper
# Iterator providing starting points and lengths
# for interlaced reads
package Finder::Looper;

use constant MINREADSIZE => Finder::MINREADSIZE;
use constant MAXREADSIZE => Finder::MAXREADSIZE;
use constant BLOCK       => Finder::BLOCK;

# new( size [, minsize [, maxsize ]] )
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my ( $size, $minsize, $maxsize ) = @_;
    $minsize ||= MINREADSIZE;
    $maxsize ||= MAXREADSIZE;
    bless {
    size     => $size,
    minsize  => $minsize || MINREADSIZE,
    maxsize  => $maxsize || MAXREADSIZE,
    readsize => $minsize || MINREADSIZE,
    oldsize  => 0,
    i        => 0,
    gap      => 1 << nextLog2( $size )
    }, $class;

# next()
# return ( start, length )
# return () if the iteration is over

sub next {
    my $self = shift;

    # Return EOL if the gap has become smaller than the size
    # unless it's the first iteration ( oldsize = 0 )
    if ( $self -> {readsize} > $self -> {gap} && $self -> {oldsize} > 
+0 ) {
    return ();
    if ( $self -> {i} * $self -> {gap} >= $self -> {size} ) {
    $self -> {i} = 0;
    $self -> {oldsize} = $self -> {readsize};
    $self -> {gap} >>= 1;
    $self -> {readsize} <<= 1
        if ( $self -> {readsize} < $self -> {gap}
         && $self -> {readsize} < $self -> {maxsize} );

    my $offset = ( $self -> {i} % 2 ) ? 0 : $self -> {oldsize};
    my $start  = $self -> {i} * $self -> {gap} + $offset;
    my $length = $self -> {readsize} - $offset;
    $length    = $self -> {size} - $start if $start + $length > $self 
+-> {size};

    $self -> {i} ++;

    if ( $length <= 0 ) {
    return $self -> next();
    } else {
    return ( $start, $length );

# function
# nextLog2( positive integer )
# return exponent of nearest power of 2
# not less than integer
# Warning: returns at most the biggest power of
# two expressed by an integer
sub nextLog2 {
    my $i = shift;
    my $pow = 1;
    my $exp = 0;
    while ( $pow < $i && $pow > 0 ) {
    $pow <<= 1;
    return $exp;

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•Re: Interlaced duplicate file finder
by merlyn (Sage) on Jan 06, 2003 at 21:54 UTC
    That seems like an overly complex version of:
    use File::Find; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); my %same_sized; find sub { return unless -f and my $size = -s _; push @{$same_sized{$size}}, $File::Find::name; }, @ARGV; for (values %same_sized) { next unless (@ARGV = @$_) > 1; local $/; my %md5; while (<>) { push @{$md5{md5_hex($_)}}, $ARGV; } for (values %md5) { next unless (my @same = @$_) > 1; print join(" ", sort @same), "\n"; } }
    Or am I missing something?

    -- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker
    Be sure to read my standard disclaimer if this is a reply.

      Most of the complication is in place to reduce file reading to a bare minimum. Say you have two 1 Gbyte files. The size is exactly the same, but the files are very different. I wouldn't want to read and digest both files to understand they are different, when it's enough to read a few bytes in the same position. My program deals rather well with these cases. It starts by reading a small chunk from all files of the same size and uses that chunk as key to partition the group of files. If any subset contains more than one file, then read another chunk starting from another (preferably far) position and iterate.

      It's more or less like the naif "real life" way of comparing things. If you have two books with a blank cover, to check if they are different you first compare the size. If it's the same, you open the same page from both and check if they differ. Only if the books are the same you need to keep on reading until the end.

      Moreover, by using byte by byte comparison instead of hashing, you don't even risk false positives. As small as the risk may be, it will most surely happen for your presentation due tomorrow.

      Package Finder::Looper takes care of the iteration. Each call to $looper->next returns a new pair ( start, length ) within a given range, so that consecutive calls sample from different parts of the file. That's the "interlaced" part (which I should maybe have called "interleaved", but hey! this side of the world it's not the best time for choosing names in foreign languages).

      Having said this, the program probably needs some tweaking to better exploit filesystem/buffering/head-positioning optimizations.


      Antonio Bellezza

      The stupider the astronaut, the easier it is to win the trip to Vega - A. Tucket
Re: Interlaced duplicate file finder
by bardy (Initiate) on Oct 15, 2014 at 13:28 UTC
    You can use DuplicateFilesDeleter, it is fast way to find and delete all duplicate files Smile | :)

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