I am attempting to parse some input using Parse::RecDescent version 1.80; however, it does not appear to be parsing my grammar correctly, thinking an implicit subrule spans much more than it does. Following the trace after that confuses me; I am not sure what is going on. Full grammar follows, with comments added to indicate how PRD appears to be parsing my grammar:
# buggo, where's the case-sensitivity go, here or elsewhere?
# the first subrule here...
command: ( oops /\s+/ word { "(oops '$item[2])" }
| ap { "(order me $item[1])" }
| np ', ' ap { "(order $item[1] $item[3])" } ) ...!/\S/
{ $item[1] }
ap: <leftop: vp then vp> { "(actions @{$item[1]})" }
# buggo, omit thens in return
vp: again /\s+/ { "'again" }
| verb /\s+/ <matchrule:v_$item[1]> /\s+/ { $item[2] }
np: <leftop: basic_np np_con basic_np> { "(phrases @{$item[1]})" }
basic_np: ( <leftop: descriptor /\s+/ descriptor> )(?)
<leftop: noun /\s+/ noun> /\s+/
{ "(phrases @{$item[1]} @{$item[2]})" }
descriptor: article | all | other | number | possessive
noun: me | pronoun | word
verb: word { $::Verbs{$item[1]} }
np_con: <reject> # todo
# need to add to this
prep: /o(:?n|ver|ff|ut of)|with(?:out)?|under|in(?:to)?|
# buggo, doesn't parse word numbers as well as it should
# should use module for that
number_part: /([0-9]+)/ { $item[1] }
| /one|t(?:w(?:o|e(?:lve|enty))|h(?:ree|ousand)|en)|f(?:our
{ $::Numbers{$item[1]} }
number: number_part /\s+/
| number_part /\s+/ number
{ [$item[1], $item[1] + $item[2], $item[1] * $item[2]]
->[$item[1] <=> $item[2]] }
me: 'me' | 'myself' | 'i' | 'self'
pronoun: 'it' | 'him' | 'you' | 'her' | 'them'
possessive: 'my' | 'his' | 'her' | 'your'
article: 'the' | 'a' | 'an'
all: 'all' | 'every'
other: 'other'
oops: 'oops' | 'o'
then: ',' 'then' | 'then' | '. '
again: 'again' | 'g'
# would appear to be thought to end at the right-paren here
word: /([a-zA-Z\-]+)/
v_go: direction { "(go '$item[1])" }
direction: /((?:n(?:orth)?|s(?:outh)?)?(?:e(?:ast)?|w(?:est)?)?|(?:up|
RD_TRACE trace follows:
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "# buggo, where's the case-sensitivity
+ go,
here or elsewhere?" as a comment
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "command:" as a rule declaration
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "( oops /\s+/ word { "(oops '$item[2])
+" } | ap
{ "(order me $item[1])" } | np ', ' ap { "(orde
$item[1] $item[3])" } ) ...!/\S/ { $item[1] } a
<leftop: vp then vp> { "(actions @{$item[1]})"
+} #
buggo, omit thens in return vp: again /\s+/ { "
} | verb /\s+/ <matchrule:v_$item[1]> /\s+/ { $
} np: <leftop: basic_np np_con basic_np> { "(ph
@{$item[1]})" } basic_np: ( <leftop: descriptor
+ /\s+/
descriptor> )(?) <leftop: noun /\s+/ noun> /\s+
+/ {
"(phrases @{$item[1]} @{$item[2]})" } descripto
article | all | other | number | possessive nou
+n: me |
pronoun | word verb: word { $::Verbs{$item[1]}
np_con: <reject> # todo # need to add to this p
/o(:?n|ver|ff|ut of)|with(?:out)?|under|in(?:to
at|to|sans|from|toward/xi # buggo, doesn't pars
+e word
numbers as well as it should # should use modul
+e for
that number_part: /([0-9]+)/ { $item[1] } |
ur|ive)| s(?:ix|even)|e(?:ight|leven)|nine|zero
hundred|[mb]illion/ix { $::Numbers{$item[1]} }
number_part /\s+/ | number_part /\s+/ number {
[$item[1], $item[1] + $item[2], $item[1] * $ite
+m[2]] -
>[$item[1] <=> $item[2]] } me: 'me' | 'myself'
+| 'i' |
'self' pronoun: 'it' | 'him' | 'you' | 'her' |
possessive: 'my' | 'his' | 'her' | 'your' artic
'the' | 'a' | 'an' all: 'all' | 'every' other:
oops: 'oops' | 'o' then: ',' 'then' | 'then' |
+'. '
again: 'again' | 'g' word: /([a-zA-Z\-]+ )" as
implicit subrule
Parse::RecDescent: Treating
+ :" as a
rule declaration
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "oops" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "/\s+/" as a /../ pattern terminal
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "word" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "{ "(oops '$item[2])" }" as an action
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "|" as a new production
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "ap" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "{ "(order me $item[1])" }" as an acti
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "|" as a new production
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "np" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating ", " as a literal terminal
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "ap" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "{ "(order $item[1] $item[3])" }" as a
+n action
ERROR (line 8): Untranslatable item encountered: ")"
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "...!" as a negative lookahead
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "/\S/" as a /../ pattern terminal
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "{ $item[1] }" as an action
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "ap:" as a rule declaration
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "<leftop:...>" as a left-associative o
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "vp" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "then" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "vp" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "{ "(actions @{$item[1]})" }" as an ac
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "# buggo, omit thens in return" as a c
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "vp:" as a rule declaration
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "again" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "/\s+/" as a /../ pattern terminal
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "{ "'again" }" as an action
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "|" as a new production
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "verb" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "/\s+/" as a /../ pattern terminal
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "<matchrule:v_$item[1]>" as a subrule
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "/\s+/" as a /../ pattern terminal
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "{ $item[2] }" as an action
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "np:" as a rule declaration
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "<leftop:...>" as a left-associative o
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "basic_np" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "np_con" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "basic_np" as a subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "{ "(phrases @{$item[1]})" }" as an ac
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "basic_np:" as a rule declaration
Parse::RecDescent: Treating
+" as a
subrule match
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "/ v_go: direction { "(go '$item[1])"
direction: /" as a /../ pattern terminal
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "( (?:n(?:orth)?|s(?:outh )" as an imp
Parse::RecDescent: Treating
+ :" as a
rule declaration
Parse::RecDescent: Treating "( ?:n(?:orth )" as an implicit subrul
Parse::RecDescent: Treating
of_production_1_of_rule_command :" as a rule
ERROR (line 49): Untranslatable item encountered: "?:n(?:orth"
Parse::RecDescent: Treating
of_production_1_of_rule_command" as a subrule m
ERROR (line 49): Untranslatable item encountered: "?|s(?:outh"
Parse::RecDescent: Treating
+" as a
subrule match
ERROR (line 48): Untranslatable item encountered:
Thank you for your patience and attention.
update (broquaint): added <readmore>