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Re: Re: URGENT : CGI program failed to work

by Sihal (Pilgrim)
on Jan 27, 2003 at 21:24 UTC ( [id://230360]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: URGENT : CGI program failed to work
in thread CGI program failed to work

Just read your silence is evil text. Just wanted to say good text, and thanx.
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Re(3) (OT) Silence is Evil
by Ovid (Cardinal) on Jan 27, 2003 at 21:40 UTC

    Merci. Regrettably, demerphq pointed out a flaw in my comments vis-a-vis evolution. I can still rewrite it to take into account his comments, but that's Yet Another Project which I haven't gotten around to working on.


    New address of my CGI Course.
    Silence is Evil (feel free to copy and distribute widely - note copyright text)

      I must confess that I didn't got the whole point on this part about evolution. Didn't see a flaw, because I missed the point about exactly what you meant ( wich is a flaw in itself ;-) *kidding*)

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