I'd add another vote for Exception::Class. It allows exceptions classes to be declared quickly and easily and has become my fave since discovering its existance.
I tend to have a single module that declares all my exceptions. So for my Foo application I'd have something like:
package Foo::Exceptions;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exception::Class (
'Foo::Exception::DBI' => {
description => 'DBI Error',
# error => $DBI::errstr,
'Foo::Exception::DBI::Dupe' => {
description => 'Duplicate key',
isa => 'Foo::Exception::DBI',
# error => name of duplicate key,
'Foo::Exception::Dupe' => {
description => 'Duplicate entry',
fields => [ 'name' ],
# error => value of duplicate field
# etc.
Comments are because Exception::Class objects have a default "error" field and I like to document what that should be used for where I declare the class.
Throw exceptions like this:
Foo::Exception::Dupe->throw(name => $name, error => $value);
Because of the closure issues raised by thraxil, I use the eval / if idiom instead of any of the modules that provide extra try/catch syntax.
eval {$foo->something_that_might_die};
if (ref($@)) {
if ($@->isa('Foo::Exception::Dupe') ) {
warn "duplicate entry ", $@->name, " ($@)\n"; undef $@;
die $@ if $@;