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Re: •Re: Module::Build article on, MakeMaker is doomed

by autarch (Hermit)
on Feb 15, 2003 at 18:09 UTC ( [id://235592]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to •Re: Module::Build article on, MakeMaker is doomed
in thread Module::Build article on, MakeMaker is doomed

Module::Build will not get my support until there's a replacement for h2xs -AXn Module::Name that builds the templates to use Module::Build rather than ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

That's easy enough to fix. I'll try to remember to send the author of ExtUtils::ModuleMaker a patch to support Module::Build. I much prefer eumm to h2xs.

I'm not sure why people believe they can change-out core modules without providing at least as much as what was working in the past. {sigh}

I'm not sure why people believe that a plan to replace a core module doesn't include doing exactly this. In other words, I don't think anyone is planning to throw Module::Build, in its current state, into the core. The goal is to get all the functionality it needs, then put it in the core.

  • Comment on Re: •Re: Module::Build article on, MakeMaker is doomed

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Re: Re: •Re: Module::Build article on, MakeMaker is doomed
by tachyon (Chancellor) on Feb 15, 2003 at 19:08 UTC

    It would help if you could install Module::Build on Win32 with either CPAN or PPM.... On what I would regard as a very stock Win2K server with 5.6.1 (as above) you can't. Well I take that back. Of course you can but I don't have the time to patch something I am in no rush to use.




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