Re: Perlmonks Visibility
by extremely (Priest) on Feb 18, 2003 at 21:29 UTC
Actually, I gotta say that 14th out of 12.3 million ain't bad. :) We could probably claw up a few places with a linking campaign but why bother? I think we should be more worried about some of the crud that pops up when you put in "learning perl" or "beginning perl".
There is some really bad advice in the top 50 for each of those. Google needs -- and ++ buttons...
P.S. Why are people downvoting this guy's post? It was a good, honest question. This site rules, people should know about it. Can't fault the guy for believing that...
$you = new YOU;
honk() if $you->love(perl) | [reply] |
Thanks for clearing out my point extremely.
Yeh, google's ranking for perlmonks is not a big issue as it is made here. I like to know in general how people come to know about wonderfulness of the site from outside, before even joining the community or reaching to the site. I agree that server load is currently a major issue not to advertize visibility and we have users joining daily, but I am not just talking abot perl. I am talking about the community culture that is developed here and that should get visibility as well. There could be pros and cons to that which I like to hear.
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Re: Perlmonks Visibility
by bassplayer (Monsignor) on Feb 18, 2003 at 19:36 UTC
I'm not sure about how we rank in general searches such as 'perl', but I know that our nodes do come up in more specific searches. That's how I found PerlMonks in the first place. I googled for a problem I needed assistance with, and a node from PerlMonks came up which was related to my search. Needing more info, I joined and posed my question, receiving the very answer I needed, in very little time. The rest is, as they say, history.
No doubt this has happened to others.
bassplayer | [reply] |
Just wondering, was the google result that brought you here part of my perlmonks mirror (like this node) or did it link directly to perlmonks?
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I don't believe I did, but I can't be sure. It was early March '02. Perhaps your mirror was started after?
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Re: Perlmonks Visibility
by hardburn (Abbot) on Feb 18, 2003 at 19:39 UTC
Hrm, the top 10 hits on the Google web search probably belong there more than PM. Among them is,, CPAN, ActiveState, and The Perl Journal. Directory search is similar.
IMHO, the sites above are more important to someone just starting to use Perl. So even if PM deserves to be there, there just isn't enough room in the top 10 for everyone.
---- Reinvent a rounder wheel.
Note: All code is untested, unless otherwise stated
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Re: Perlmonks Visibility
by belg4mit (Prior) on Feb 18, 2003 at 19:51 UTC
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Re: Perlmonks Visibility
by valdez (Monsignor) on Feb 18, 2003 at 23:19 UTC
Why the Monastery isn't linked from home page?
Ciao, Valerio
update: ehm... fixed typo in url, many thanks to AM. A little explanation: before updating, the url was pointing to that has a link to PM; the problem is on, the official Perl site, that has not a link to the Monastery.
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Re: Perlmonks Visibility
by greenFox (Vicar) on Feb 19, 2003 at 01:54 UTC
Sounds like a project for a Google Time Bomb :-)
As a bonus for all the cheese lovers round here link using the word cheese too :-) It would crack me up to see come up in the top 10 in a search for cheese :-)
-- Life is a tale told by an idiot -- full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. William Shakespeare, Macbeth
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