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Displaying an array in a cgi generated textareaby martymart (Deacon) |
on Feb 27, 2003 at 18:10 UTC ( [id://239182]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
martymart has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Fellow Monks, I have a text file that I'd like to display in a form textarea. I read this file into an array @source, and put that into the textarea of my cgi script... The problem is that while the first line displays fine, all the subsequent lines are shifted to the right by one space. I think it may be because the array is in between quotation marks (I could be wrong though!). However, when I get rid of the quotation marks it really messes up the order of the elements in the array. It seems to display to the text area like this: print "@source"; and what I want it to do is display the array like this: print @source; I'd appreciate an ideas or suggestions. Martymart
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