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[vt.ban] simple bannerscanner

by photon (Novice)
on Mar 18, 2003 at 10:25 UTC ( [id://243930]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info photon
Description: this is a little bannerscanner which can send specific strings to different ports and dump the output.. very uggly code.. you can use it i.e. to check the versions of different network services..

use IO::Socket;
use Net::Ping;

$ip     = $ARGV[0] or die ":: usage vt.ban <ip> [start port] [end port
$s_port = $ARGV[1] or $s_port = 1;
$e_port = $ARGV[2] or $e_port = 1024;

if ( !$ARGV[2] and $ARGV[1] ) { $e_port = $s_port; }

@dont = ();    #       skip ports

$do_ping         = 0;
$ping_timeout    = 0.2;
$request_timer   = 1;
$request_timeout = 4;

$|       = 1;
$verbose = 1;

$ports    = "0_21:1_25:2_80:2_8080:3_110:4_79:";
@requests = (
    "USER anonymous\nPASS l4m3r\\nQUIT\n", "EHLO COMPUTER?\nQU
    "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0\n\n",                      "CAPA\nQUIT\n",
$req = "_kill_";

$skipped = 0;
$last    = $s_port;
print "\n::::[ scanning host $ip ( ports $s_port - $e_port ) ]\n::\n";
if ( $do_ping == 1 ) {
    $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp");
    if ( $p->ping( $ip, $ping_timeout ) ) { $ping_succeeded = 1; }
if ( $ping_succeeded or $do_ping == 0 ) {
    for ( $port = $s_port ; $port <= $e_port ; $port++ ) {
        foreach $skip (@dont) {
            if ( $port == $skip ) {
                print "\n::\n::::. skipping $port .::\n::\n";
                $skipped = 1;
                $last    = $port;
        if ( $skipped == 0 ) {
            if ( $ock =
                IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $ip, PeerPort => $p
                    Proto => "tcp" ) )
                print "\n::\n::::. $ip :. $port .:\n\n";
                $last = $port;
                $SIG{ALRM} = "send_request";
                while ( sysread( $ock, $reply, 4096 ) ) { print $reply
+; }
                if ( $closed != 1 and $ock ) { close($ock); }
                $closed = 0;
                print "\n::::::::::.\n::\n";
            elsif ($verbose) {
                print "::::. $last .. $port .:. connection refused .:\
        else { $skipped = 0; }
else { print "::\n::::[$ip]-(host unreachable)\n"; }
print "\n::\n::::[done]\a\n\n";

sub send_request {
    $SIG{ALRM} = "killit";
    if ( $ports =~ /(\d+)_$port\:/ ) { $r = $requests[$1]; }
    else { $r = $req; }
    if ( $r eq "_kill_" and $ock ) { killsocket(); }
    elsif ($ock) { syswrite( $ock, "$r", length("$r") ); print "::. $r
+"; }

sub killsocket {
    if ($ock) { close($ock); }
    $closed = 1;
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Re: [vt.ban] simple bannerscanner
by photon (Novice) on Mar 18, 2003 at 23:17 UTC
    reformatted the code ;) looked really bad ..

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