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"be consistent"

Code code code!!

by LD2 (Curate)
on Mar 19, 2003 at 18:26 UTC ( [id://244412]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Hm, this has been covered in the FAQ.. but I don't believe people (often new people..) understand how important it is to show relevant code!

One can't hope to help someone, if we can't see what you're doing. Describing the problem is important as well! Don't get me wrong - that's needed. But, code often times will show us exactly what's going on... plus, we can test it on our own systems.

So remember, if you have a question - PLEASE.. post the code! :)

Just a friendly reminder...

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Code code code!!
by blaze (Friar) on Mar 20, 2003 at 00:39 UTC
    What might be a good idea is for the textarea that you type in, to create a node, have a couple of very small and to the point tips...nothing too long cause then it would be ignored, but just a little note saying something like
      please search this site and google for your answer first
      please include any relevant code
    i dont think most people new to the community really look at the Tutorials, especially anon monks who only plan to come, get a question answered, and leave

Re: Code code code!!
by jacques (Priest) on Mar 19, 2003 at 21:34 UTC
    It might be nice to have a few reminders below the message boxes through every phase of a post. Right now the reminders can be found on the main pages (ie. SOPW, Meditations, etc) but once you go to preview the message, the reminders are no longer there.
Re: Code code code!!
by dug (Chaplain) on Mar 20, 2003 at 00:32 UTC
    I'm sorry, I can't really help you with that until you show some code. <grin />

    -- dug

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