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RE: FetchRow

by le (Friar)
on Jul 26, 2000 at 16:04 UTC ( [id://24464]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to FetchRow

I repost the code to make it more readable:
open FILE,"<e:\\test.html" || die "Can not open file."; while($line=<FILE>) {$content.=$line} close FILE; $content=~s/\'/\'\'/g; ...... $SQL=<<SQL; begin tran create table xxx (n char(100), t text) insert xxx values('abc','$content') commit tran SQL if ($db->Sql($SQL)){ print "error1\n"; exit; } $SQL=<<SQL; begin tran select * from xxx commit tran SQL if ($db->Sql($SQL)) { print "error2\n"; exit;} if($db->FetchRow()) { $data=$db->Data(); print "$data\n"; ###when <= 10,467 } else { print "no line\n";###when > 10,467 exit; }

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RE: RE: FetchRow
by iic (Sexton) on Jul 26, 2000 at 19:01 UTC
    database is SQLServer,I use Win32::ODBC.
      For my SQL here are the limitations on the size of columns (from the mysql-faq).It is very possible you hit your limit.
      What column (column) types are available with mysql? The following column types are supported: TINYINT A very small integer. Can be a (part of) a key. Signed range -128 +-127. Unsigned range 0-255. Takes 1 byte (8 bits). SMALLINT A small integer. Can be a (part of) a key. Signed range -32768-32 +767. Unsigned range 0-65535. Takes 2 bytes (16 bits). MEDIUMINT A medium integer. Can be a (part of) a key. Signed range -8388608 +-8388607. Unsigned range 0-16777215. Takes 3 bytes (24 bits). INT A normal integer. Can be a (part of) a key. Signed range -21474836 +48-2147483647. Unsigned range 0-4294967295. Takes 4 bytes (32 bits). BIGINT A large integer. Can be a (part of) a key. Signed range -92233720 +36854775808-9223372036854775807. Unsigned Range 0-18446744073709551615. Takes 8 bytes (64 bits). FLOAT A small floating point number. Can be a (part of) a key. Cannot b +e unsigned. Range -3.402823466E+38F - -1.175494351E-38, 0, -1.175494351E-38 - 3.402823466E+38F. Takes 4 bytes (32 bits). DOUBLE A normal floating point number. Can be a (part of) a key. Cannot +be unsigned. Range -1.7976931348623157E+308 - -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, 2.2250738585072014E-308 - 1.79769313 +48623157E+308. Takes 8 bytes (64 bits). DECIMAL A unpacked floating point number. Can be a (part of) a key. Canno +t be unsigned. Currently the same range maximum range as a double. The number behaves as a CHAR column and takes length+de +cimals bytes. TIMESTAMP A automatic timestamp. Has a range of 1 Dec 1970 kl 0.00 to somet +ime in the year 2106 and a resolution of a second. Can be a (part of) a key. Takes 4 bytes (32 bits). DATE A type to store date information. Uses the "YYYY-MM-DD" syntax, b +ut may be updated with a number or a string. Understand at least the following syntaxes: 'YY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM- +DD', 'YYMMDD', 'YYMM', 'YY'. Range 0000-00-00 to 9999-12-31. Takes 4 byte. TIME A type to store time information. Uses the "HH:MM:SS" syntax, but + may be updated with a number or a string. Understand at least the following syntaxes: 'HH:MM:DD, 'HHMMDD', 'HHMM', 'HH'. +Takes 3 bytes. FIXED LENGTH STRING A string that is always filled up with spaces to the specified le +ngth. Can be a (part of) a key. Range 1-255 characters. Takes the same amount of space in the table. VARIABLE LENGTH STRING A string that is stored with its length. Can be a (part of) a key +. Maximum range 1-255 characters. Takes the (varying per row) length + 1 byte in the table. TINYBLOB A binary object that is stored with its length. Can NOT be a key. + Max length 255 characters (8 bits length). Takes the (varying per row) length + 1 byte in the table. BLOB A binary object that is stored with its length. Can NOT be a key. + Max length 16535 characters (16 bits length). Takes the (varying per row) length + 2 bytes in the table. MEDIUMBLOB A binary object that is stored with its length. Can NOT be a key. + Max length 16777216 characters (24 bits length). Takes the (varying per row) length + 3 bytes in the table. LONGBLOB A binary object that is stored with its length. Can NOT be a key. + Range 4294967295 characters (32 bits length). Takes the (varying per row) length + 4 bytes in the table.

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