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Beatles Revival

by le (Friar)
on Jul 26, 2000 at 22:26 UTC ( [id://24542]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'm not quite sure if this is obfuscation or poetry, but I looks rather obfuscated, so I put it here.

Don't judge me too hard, this is my first obfuscation ever.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w *yellow =sub#marine? {$what #yellow =sub#marine? {q/ rekcahlreprehtonatsuj/} ;$/ =$what #is this ->("button") #good for? ;#Ringo, %whereis=#the map{p("lease?") =>$_}reverse( #Don't split//,( join#us! "",$/));print $whereis#John, Ringo? {$_}for sort{$a<=>$b} #Where are the keys#, %whereis}#the ;sub#marine, Ringo??? p{$p++} #Ok, let's sing: #We all live in a yellow("submarine!");

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(zdog) RE: Beatles Revival
by zdog (Priest) on Jul 27, 2000 at 23:41 UTC
    Woah! Believe it or not, the day before you posted this, my dad found this album in our garage and was listening to it.

    Weird, huh?

    Zenon Zabinski | zdog |

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