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Ouch. I hate to say this, but how could they forget to renew their contract??!! Usually they give ample warning, before the domain expires - I know, I have a couple.
Hmm, the question is what to do now. Unfortunately, most Perl programmers have that link mapped to a link - somewhere or another. I guess the best bet is besides posting it on this site, post it on every major Perl site (i.e.,, etc.) that the CPAN site has moved and it's no longer Major suckage. :/
I can't believe Matt Wright or whoever does his site would do that. Maybe that just goes to show what a...(oh, nm... calling him names won't help anything).. obviously they sunk to new lows - to get hits.
Re: suckage :(
by LD2 (Curate) on Apr 01, 2003 at 00:17 UTC
Oh man!! that sucks! I totally forgot about April Fools!!!
Although.. it's not April 1st here YET | [reply] |