in reply to file tree to hash

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Data::Dumper; {my $i=1; sub makevalue { return $i++; } } my $hash={};my $h0; my $l;my @c; while ($l=<DATA>) { $h0=$hash; @c=split '/',$l; for my $c (@c[0..$#c-1]) { next unless $c; $h0=($h0->{$c}||={}); } $h0->{$c[-1]}=makevalue($l); } print Dumper($hash); __DATA__ /root/dir1/file1 /root/dir1/file2 /root/dir1/file3 /root/dir2/file1


$VAR1 = { 'root' => { 'dir2' => { 'file1' => 4 }, 'dir1' => { 'file2' => 2, 'file3' => 3, 'file1' => 1 } } };

What does it do: it splits each row, and walks down the HoH (creating empty hashes as needed), putting the computed values (in this example just a counter) on the leaf.

I think this is more or less what you were describing, but I can't come up with a better solution.

        dakkar - Mobilis in mobile