package My::ClassDBI; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Class::DBI'; my $dsn = 'dbi:mysql:database'; my $user = 'user'; my $password = 'password'; My::ClassDBI->set_db('Main', $dsn, $user, $password); # auto load tables my $base = __PACKAGE__; # "My::ClassDBI"; # create connection to database my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$password) or die $DBI::errstr; # not the Right Way(tm) but works for now my $get_tables = $dbh->prepare(qq!SHOW TABLES!); $get_tables->execute; my @tables; while ( my $table = $get_tables->fetchrow ) { my @columns; my $ucftable = ucfirst($table); my $get_column = $dbh->prepare(qq!DESC $table!); $get_column->execute(); while ( my @cols = $get_column->fetchrow() ) { # force the primary key to be first # this insures Class::DBI correctly relates table # without having to manually define the Primary Key $cols[3] =~ /pri/i ? unshift @columns , $cols[0] : push @columns , $cols[0] } eval qq!package $ucftable; use base '$base'; $ucftable->table('$table'); $ucftable->columns(All => qw/! . join(" ",@columns) . "/);"; } # Table1 and Table 2 class dynamically generated above Table1->has_many('method_name_you_want' , Table2 => 'related_column' ); 1; #### use My::ClassDBI; use strict; # you can place the has_many here or in the # package as shown above # Table1->has_many('method_name_you_want' , # Table2 => 'related_column' ); my $row_from_table1 = Table1->retrieve(1); my @table2_objects = $row_from_table1->method_name_you_want; foreach (@table2_objects) { print $_->column_name , "\n"; } 1;