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Preventing Browser Timeoutby Anonymous Monk |
on Apr 23, 2003 at 20:37 UTC ( [id://252682]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Hi Monks, I'm working on a CGI script. The user submits a very large quantity of text via a text box in a form. Once I get that data, I parse through it and extract from it a list of files that I need to create and the data that goes in them (some other processing on the data goes on as well). I write the files (printing a success/fail message after each), then put up another form. The problem is that there can be a *LOT* of data coming in from the user, and his browser may time out before I can parse out all the data and write the files. What I'd like to do is either: 1.) Print a page that says something like "Processing, please wait...this page will refresh in five seconds." and have that page refresh until the file writing is done, then display the success/fail messages and the next form. Or if that can't be done, 2.) Print up the form and have the success/fail messages continually coming in and being displayed on the browser after it until it's done. Any idea how this can be done? I imagine that I'd need to fork the processing off as one process and somehow keep tabs on it's progress or something. Thanks!
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