in reply to Prolegemona To A Future Scripting Language: Game Of Life In Perl 6

I like the idea. Here's my attempt: I've tried to use a few more of the advanced features...
#!/usr/bin/perl6 given new life(dimension => 20) { for 1..Inf -> $count { .display(); print "TURN $count, press enter for next turn, ctl-c to quit"; <$*STDIN>; .calculate(); } } class life { has int $.dimension; has @.grid is dim($.dimension, $.dimension) is base_index($.dimension/2, $.dimension/2) of bit is default(0) is str {<< - + >>[$_]}; method BUILD($.dimension) { for (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0) -> $x, $y { @.grid[$y][$x] = 1; } } method will_live(int $y, int $x) returns bool is private { my $neighborhood = @.grid[$y+(-1|0|+1)][$x+(-1|0|+1)]; my $alive = sum($neighborhood.elems); @.grid[$y][$x] ?? 1 < $alive-1 < 4 :: $alive == 3; } method calculate { my @new_grid is like @.grid; for @new_grid.kv -> $y, @new_row is rw { for @row.kv -> $x, $new_cell is rw { $new_cell = .will_live($y,$x) ?? 1 :: 0; } } @.grid = @new_grid; } method display { for @.grid -> @row { print @row, "\n"; } } }

Update: I'm pretty sure the junction I gave for the neighborhood won't work: here's an improved will_live method:

method will_live(int $y, int $x) returns bool { my $offsets = [-1|0|+1 , -1|0|+1] & none([0,0]); my @neighbors = ($offsets >>+<< [$y,$x]).states; my @cells = {@.grid[$_[0]][$_[1]]}; my $alive = @cells.sum; @.grid[$y][$x] ?? $alive == 2|3 :: $alive == 3; }
Still too much line noise though. There must be a simpler way.