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Re: Perl for Windows

by fuzzyping (Chaplain)
on May 12, 2003 at 19:39 UTC ( [id://257544]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl for Windows

Pretty much the same way you would on Windows. I just learned this myself over the weekend. Install ActiveState's Perl distribution, learn PPM/ASPN, enjoy! Well, as much as one might enjoy working on Windows. ;-)

Seriously, it's pretty simple. Once you have it installed, just write a test script using the new path for perl. Mine was C:\Perl\bin\perl. Yours might be different.

When you want to run a script, just make sure it's executable, or simply call the perl binary as the interpreter. Example:

C:> Perl\bin\perl path\to\script\hello Hello World!

Pretty simple. In fact, installing Perl modules is even easier (IMHO) under Windows. Fire up the PPM program:

C:> Perl\bin\ppm > install CGI::Application .... yadda yadda ....

Works great for me. I've managed to "port" a number of my web applications written in CGI::Application and HTML::Template with minimal edits. Usually, it's just a matter of changing the shebang line, as mentioned above. Of course, these are primarily webserver-level scripts I speak of. System-level stuff will definitely require much more work.



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