Fellow Monks,
I'm using activestate perl on windows 2000, and I've just started to learn Tk, so apologies if this is an idiot question. I can't seem to make the underline work for the topmost item in the menu, in this case I get 'Menu' when I should be getting 'Menu'. Works fine for all the othe bits of the menu. I've included an example script below, but for the life of me I can't spot what I'm doing wrong. Is this just an issue with Tk on Windows platforms? or can I change the script below to get it working.
I'd appreciate your thought on this,
use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
my $mw=MainWindow->new;
$mw->title('Menu Test');
my $menubar=$mw->Menu(-type=>'menubar');
my $menu=$menubar->cascade(-label=>'~Menu');
my $menu_file=$menu->cascade(-label=>'~File', -tearoff=>0,);
$menu_file->command( -label=>'~Open',
-command=>[\&print_it, 'Open']);
$menu_file->command( -label=>'~Save',
-command=>[\&print_it, 'Save']);
my $menu_edit=$menu->cascade(-label=>'~Edit');
$menu_edit->command( -label=>'C~ut',
-command=>[\&print_it, 'Cut']);
$menu_edit->command( -label=>'~Copy',
-command=>[\&print_it, 'Copy']);
my $exit=$mw->Button(-text=>'Exit', -command=>[$mw=>'destroy']);
$mw->bind('<Control-o>',[\&print_it, 'Open']);
$mw->bind('<Control-s>',[\&print_it, 'Save']);
$mw->bind('<Control-x>',[\&print_it, 'Cut']);
$mw->bind('<Control-c>',[\&print_it, 'Copy']);
sub print_it{
my $name=ref($_[0]) ? shift : '';
my $message=shift;
print "message: '$message' ...\n";