Doing it in two steps is more efficient. From perlfaq4:
It is much better faster to do this in two steps:
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
Or more nicely written as:
for ($string) {
Here's a benchmark:
use Benchmark;
timethese(500_000, {
one => sub {
my $foo = " perl monks ";
$foo =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
two => sub {
my $foo = " perl monks ";
for ($foo) {
And here are the results:
Benchmark: timing 500000 iterations of one, two...
one: 11 secs (11.75 usr 0.00 sys = 11.75 cpu)
two: 8 secs ( 7.57 usr 0.00 sys = 7.57 cpu)