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$threads->join() only returns one argument??? BUG?by rr (Sexton) |
on Jun 11, 2003 at 22:04 UTC ( [id://265203]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
rr has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Hello, While writing a threaded perl program which does parrallel http get's I have a in the subroutine I pass to threads->create line that returns like this: After creating a few threads, I attempt to join them like this: Unfortunately I only ever receive back the last return value (a float containting time taken to execute the get). I can run this subroutine and collect the return arguments exactly the same way without threads and it works. Is there a bug or limitation to the number of arguments a thread can return on join in perl 5.8.0 (Linux)? I rtfm'd and such and found nothing talking of this. Thanks! rr
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