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Re: how mod_perl finds if code has already been compiled

by Sihal (Pilgrim)
on Jun 16, 2003 at 14:13 UTC ( [id://266190]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to how mod_perl finds if code has already been compiled

In the documentations lays your answers my friend...

Quoted from mod_perl tuning doc:
Be Careful with Symbolic Links

As you know Apache::Registry caches the scripts in the packages whose names are constructed by scripts' URI. If you have the same script that can be reached by different URIs, which is possible if you have used symbolic links, you will get the same script stored twice in the memory.

Thus you can not use Symlinks to do what i wanted to: cache scripts between 2 virtual hosts, using symbolinc links.
By the way PodMaster, your explanation on require and use was nice, but off the topic of my question (probably my question that is not very clear i guess).
If anybody has a solution to minimize the amount of memory taken when using the same set of modules from 2 vhosts, I'd be very glad.

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Re: Re: how mod_perl finds if code has already been compiled
by ajt (Prior) on Jun 16, 2003 at 14:22 UTC

    You could do no worse than read Stas Bekman's articles on

      Is that really what you meant to say?


      --Bob Niederman,

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