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by jdtoronto (Prior)
on Jun 18, 2003 at 19:10 UTC ( [id://266955]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Born and educated in Melbourne, Australia. Originally trained as electronics & radio engineer. Subsequently studied biomedical engineering, mathematics and then physics. Loved working on high resolution radar and meteor scatter communications. Lived and worked in Europe, UK & North America during the 70's before returning to Australia.

Been programming since Fortran in the 60's. Worked in various Assemblers, BASIC, PASCAL, C and dialects of BASIC before discovering Perl in the early 90's (just before Perl 5 became common-place) and fell in love all over again.

I spend most of my time working on Win32 based applications written purely in Perl/Tk with a LOT of network access code. Apart from that? I still do some electronics hardware design and small manufacturing of products in niche markets.

Now in my 50's, married with an 11 year old daughter and living in Toronto where the winters are great and the summer is too humid, but at least I can go sailing to cool down.

My XP graph: is here

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