Hey, you know what'd be neat? To customize the
error message. Sure, it's still just as useless, but
that's okay. So here's the new version:
package Silly::Die;
use strict;
use vars qw/$OUTPUT/;
sub import {
my $class = shift;
my $caller = caller;
no strict 'refs';
*{"${caller}::trying"} = \&{"${class}::trying"};
$OUTPUT = shift if @_ && ref $_[0] eq "CODE";
sub trying { $OUTPUT ? $OUTPUT->($!) : $! }
Usage is the same as before, but if you want an
extra special output function, try this:
use Silly::Die sub { qq(I died with: "@_") };
open FILE, "foo" or die trying;
I died with: "No such file or directory" at ./test.pl line 9.