This script is a specific instance of the "recurse and fix permissions / file ownership"
-type that has been written (doubtless) many times over by *nix system admins around
the globe. As such it isn't very special but might still be particularly welcomed by
newbies and those not used to quickly writing scripts for such admin tasks.
The Background, Introduction
General confusion, lack of experience and an understandable frustration with one aspect
of how the tool works led the author to make an operator error which
left his Perl installation in an incorrect and problematic condition. That condition
and the circumstances which led to it are described below. It is the author's belief
that this scenario will not be uncommon and thus the script might be useful to more
people than he anticipates.
There are specific Circumstances
Only users with some administrative role on their systems should be needing to use or
considering using this program. Others will not be able to run it as root,
which is necessary to its function (which is to change ownership and permissions modes
on files found in the Perl sitearch and sitelib directories). If these
specific circumstances apply to the reader, please read on.
The author's system is running Debian GNU/Linux. The Perl package for this OS distribution
is governed by, compliant with, made according to Debian packaging policy. That policy
states that software not under package manager (dpkg) control should go into the
/usr/local filesystem area (as opposed to any part under /usr). The perms
for the /usr/local tree are supposed to allow the group named staff to
have rw permissions on that whole tree, including the perl site directories
(where CPAN-downloaded modules are to be installed). Although this is somewhat lengthy
to explain, the intention of doing so is to point out that not every system is administered
under policies similar to this one, the author of this code cannot know what proper
system policies are on the user's system, and any use of the program presented here
and any consequences thereof are entirely at the user's risk. The author assumes no
responsibility whatsoever for the performance of the program, consequences either direct
or indirect resulting from its use, of accuracy or correctness of any information presented
by him here in connection to this program.
More Background Description
When installing modules using the specific module installation is subject
to certain rules or parameters dictated by the author of the module in accordance with
what category the module falls into. A module that is part of core Perl for a
particular Perl release (and those that come after, in most cases) needs to be installed
into the core perl area
instead of in
The parameter flags in the Makefile.PL file determine where the module is to be
put at installation time, but these can be overidden by the user. The default (in absence
of any flags or user overrides) is to put all modules under
When choosing modules to install using, the author has not always been
aware of whether the modules were destined for core perl locations or the usual non-core
locations. Lacking this knowledge beforehand results in installation failure while the
CPAN process is running, after all make and make test parts
have completed. This is annoying and frustrating behavior from the tool,
and drives a former MS Windows user, still getting used to the (blessedly) stricter
world of *nix security norms, a little crazy. The naive measures the author took following
this sort of incident was to restart the CPAN program as root and
finish installing whatever modules he wanted on that occasion. The result of this is
that module files were installed to the site perl locations with root
ownership and permissions resulting from umask 022 (a standard setting), which
yield files and directories unwriteable by the staff group members. The next
time those modules need to be upgraded by user belonging to staff, the operations
required are going to be impossible because the perms act restrictively to prevent them.
This kind of clumsy and inexpert *nix administration is most likely to happen when a
self-trained user like myself who is lacking years of experience and formal training has insufficiently
grasped the principles of *nix security. That's granted. However the author got there, though,
he had to get himself out. Instead of continuing to run CPAN as root
and thereby perpetuate the problem, running the program presented here allowed the
repair of those directories and files perms so that in the future he could run the
CPAN as a user belonging to staff, but not as the superuser, as is
supposed to be done (and strongly recommended on general principle).
This may have seemed more of a Meditation than a Catacomb description, but
the author felt it important to explain clearly in what circumstances this tool might be
useful and why it is as specific as it is. A more general-purpose tool for
accomplishing the same category of adminisrative tasks was written by Tye and placed in the
Code Catacombs some time ago, and is recommended highly. The only reason for using
my program in preference to that one is: that the tool Tye wrote is so
powerful in its general-purpose nature that it could do serious damage in the event of
unknowledgeable user error. So without further ado, the code ...
The Code
The `find2perl' program included in perl 5.6.1 was used to generate a
starting framework for this program. The author credits the writers of find2perl for
their contribution and in no way takes credit for it. The author must also thank some
Perl Monks, especially merlyn and Tye, for their help with working out the
details of bitwise operations and octal representation of *nix permissions.