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Pattern Matching Problem

by Anonymous Monk
on Aug 06, 2003 at 12:42 UTC ( [id://281370]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a new perl problem, that I haven't quite figured out the Regular Expression for. We have a web based form that submits data in paragraph form with variables from the form entered into it. A typical set of data may look like this.
Patron @FirstName@ @LastName@ has filled out the @FormName@ form. Plea +se send them an email at @EmailAddress@.
Where FirstName, LastName, FormName, and EmailAddress are the actual values, not the variable names. What I need to do, is highlight each of those variables by placing a <B> after the first "@" and a </B> before the second "@", in each one of those variables (without removing the "@"). Best I can come up with is going through the string one character at a time, and watching which "@" I am on. There has got to be a better way to perform this. Iterating over the whole string like that seems sloppy.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Pattern Matching Problem
by Abigail-II (Bishop) on Aug 06, 2003 at 13:01 UTC


      Ok, so this one catches a string of any length (including zero), using *. The string can be any character except "@" [^\@]. The matching expression on the left captures the non-@ string and puts it into the variable $1, which is then put between bold tags. Abigail-II has used exclamation points here to improve legibility.


Re: Pattern Matching Problem
by allolex (Curate) on Aug 06, 2003 at 13:14 UTC
    #!/usr/bin/perl $_ = 'Patron @FirstName@ @LastName@ has filled out the @FormName@ form +. Please send them an email at @EmailAddress@.'; s/@([a-zA-Z]+?)@/<b>\@$1\@<\/b>/g; print $_ . "\n"; # Output: Patron <b>@FirstName@</b> <b>@LastName@</b> has filled out t +he <b>@FormName@</b> form. Please send them an email at <b>@EmailAddr +ess@</b>.

    This gets the right output with the sample data you gave. I hope it helps you along.


    Update 2003-08-06 15:28:15 CEST: Fixed substitution problem pointed out by Abigail-II (Thanks!).

      That removes the @ signs, of which the OP explicitely mentions they shouldn't be removed.


Re: Pattern Matching Problem
by ph0enix (Friar) on Aug 06, 2003 at 13:19 UTC
    my $text = 'Patron @FirstName@ @LastName@ has filled out the @FormName +@ form. Please send them an email at EmailAddress@.'; my $c=0; $text =~ s/\@([^\@]+)/$c++;($c%2)?"\@<b>$1<\/b>":"\@$1"/eg;
Re: Pattern Matching Problem
by monktim (Friar) on Aug 06, 2003 at 20:23 UTC
    Here you go.
    use strict; use warnings; my $str = 'Patron @FirstName@ @LastName@ has filled out the @FormName@ + form. Please send them an email at @EmailAddress@.'; print "$str\n"; $str =~ s/\@(.*?)\@/\@<B>$1<\/B>\@/g; print "$str\n";
Re: Pattern Matching Problem
by eric256 (Parson) on Aug 06, 2003 at 17:04 UTC

    Seemed like a good spot for look behind and lookahead :-)

    my $test = 'Patron @FirstName@ @LastName@ has filled out the @FormName +@ form. Please send them an email at @EmailAddress@.'; $test =~ s/(?<=@) # starts with @ (but don't grab @) ([a-zA-Z]*) # string of letters (?=@) # ends with @ (but don't grab @) /<b>$1<\/b>/xg; # put $1 back with bold tags around it. @ are + preserved. print $test;
    Eric Hodges

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