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Re^2: Portably transforming a string to a valid filename (mnemonic)

by tye (Sage)
on Aug 06, 2003 at 22:20 UTC ( [id://281622]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (tye)Re: Portably transforming a string to a valid filename
in thread Portably transforming a string to a valid filename

One thing bothers me about this: The codes for punctuation are not pneumatic. This is easily fixed. The association between punctuation and letters/numbers should be changed to be:

tr[@{}$='`^"+/<>#()?\[]_|~!&%*,:;] [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123];
based on the following phlegmatic code: At Brace CloseCurly Dollar Equals Feet Grave-accent Hat Inches Join whacK/stroKe Less-than More-than Number Open Paren Question Reverse-whack Square brackeT Underline Verticalbar Wiggle eXclaim y(Spanish for "and"). % and z are shaped the same as are * and 0. Comma has 1 "dot" while colon has 2 dots and semicolon is a bit more than colon.

I could see swapping /=k and &=y to get /=y and &=k based on similarity of shape (the whacK/stroKe connection is rather weak). *shrug*

                - tye
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Re^3: Portably transforming a string to a valid filename (mnemonic)
by Nkuvu (Priest) on Dec 04, 2003 at 20:57 UTC
    The codes for punctuation are not pneumatic.

    Pneumatic? As in, "Of or relating to air or other gases" ?

    I'm thinking you meant mnemonic, like the title suggests. But I am certainly amused by the idea of pneumatic filenames.

      It's a joke, Son.

                      - tye ("They can't all be winners.")


        And here I thought I was bein' all helpful and stuff...

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