Hey, I left this program alone for a while and now i'm working on it again. I'm trying to view the first 100 records from a database and then display the next 100 and so on. I'm able to display the first 100 but i don't know how to show the next 100. This is the section of my program that's supposed to do this: my ($row)=0; my ($count)=0; my ($min)=0; my ($max)=$min+100; while ($db->FetchRow()) { if(($row>=$min)&&($row<$max)) { my (%dbrow) = $db->DataHash(); $dbrow{'details'}=substr($dbrow{'details'},0,50); print<$dbrow{'lastname'}, $dbrow{'firstname'}   $dbrow{'officephonenumber'}   $dbrow{'description'}   $company_type   $dbrow{'company_name'}   $dbrow{'details'}   HERE_HTML_ROW print "\n\n"; } $row++; $count++; } print "\n\n"; my ($visible); if ($count>=$max){ $visible=$max; } else { $visible=$count; } print<1-$visible of $count records displayed HERE_HTML # This is the part that's not working because i don't think # that i can do this, please help. if ($row>$max) { print "Next 100\n"; } Thanks, Kiko