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PerlMan - Perl/Tk based pod pick/view

by graff (Chancellor)
on Aug 23, 2003 at 03:26 UTC ( [id://285985]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info David Graff
Description: perldoc pod/man page viewer

Adapted (very loosely) by David Graff, from example code that came with a perl-Tk distribution. Assumes a unix or linux system running X (so we can spawn separate xterms for multiple man pages to run in the background).

update: (shortly after initial post) fixed indentation and line wrapping.

# perlman: perldoc pod/man page viewer
# Adapted (very loosely) by David Graff, from example code that came
# with a perl-Tk distribution.
# version 1.0, 4-May-1999
# version 2.0, 20-Sep-2002: adapted to handle user-selected perl versi
+on properly
# (basically, the pod/man pages you get depend on which version of per
+l you use
# to run the app; very handy on systems where more than one version is
+ installed

use strict;
use Tk;

my ($perlbase) = grep m%lib%, @INC;
$perlbase =~ s%/lib.*%%;
my $perldoc = "$perlbase/bin/perldoc";    # /path/name of perldoc to s
+how man and pod pages


my $showEntry;       # for user to type in a doc name to "Show"
my $searchEntry;     # for user to type in a string pattern to "Search
+" for
my $fullListbox;     # presents complete list of perl man page names
my $srchListbox;     # presents search-matched list of perl man page n
my %doclist;         # hash lookup for man page file paths, keyed by m
+an page name
my $docnames;        # sorted concatenation of man page names
my @docnames;        # sorted array of man page names

sub show_man {
    my $entry = $showEntry->get();   # get entry from $show

    if ( $docnames =~ / ($entry) /i || $docnames =~ / (\w+\:+$entry) /
+i ) {
        $entry = $1;
    system( "xterm -geometry 85x45 -T '$entry' -n '$entry' -e $perldoc
+ $entry &" );
sub print_man {
    my $entry = $showEntry->get();   # get entry from $show

    if ( $docnames =~ / ($entry) /i || $docnames =~ / (\w+\:+$entry) /
+i ) {
        $entry = $1;
    system( "$perldoc $entry | enscript -2rl 2> /dev/null" );

sub create_ui {
    my $mainWin = MainWindow->new();
    $mainWin->title("Perl Documentation");
    my $topFrame = $mainWin->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x
    my $cntlFrame = $mainWin->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => '
    my $listFrame = $mainWin->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => '

    $topFrame->Label(-text => "POD/MAN page index for Perl $]")->pack(
+-side => 'left');
    $topFrame->Button(-text => 'Reload',
                      -command => \&scout_man_dirs )->pack(-side => 'l
    $topFrame->Button(-text => 'Exit',
                      -command => \&exit )->pack(-side => 'left', -pad
+x => 5);

    $cntlFrame->Label(-text => 'Show:')->pack(-side => 'left', -padx =
+> 5);
    $showEntry = $cntlFrame->Entry (-width => 15)->pack(-side => 'left
    $showEntry->bind('<KeyPress-Return>', \&show_man);

    $cntlFrame->Button(-text => 'Print',
                       -command => \&print_man )->pack(-side => 'left'
+, -padx => 5);

    $cntlFrame->Label(-text => 'Search:')->pack(-side => 'left', -padx
+ => 5);
    $searchEntry = $cntlFrame->Entry (-width => 15)->pack(-side => 'le
    $searchEntry->bind('<KeyPress-Return>', \&search);

    $fullListbox = $listFrame->Scrolled('Listbox',
                                        -scrollbars => 'oe',
                                        -width =>  25, 
                                        -height => 20)->pack(-side => 
    $srchListbox = $listFrame->Scrolled('Listbox',
                                        -scrollbars => 'oe',
                                        -width =>  25, 
                                        -height => 20)->pack(-side => 

    $fullListbox->insert( "end", @docnames );

    $mainWin->bind('Tk::Listbox', '<Double-1>', \&pick_word);

sub pick_word {
    my( $lw ) = @_;
    my $mname = $lw->get( $lw->curselection );
    $showEntry->delete( 0, "end" );
    $showEntry->insert( 0, $mname );

sub search {
    my $search_pattern = $searchEntry->get();
    my @search_matches = grep( /$search_pattern/i, @docnames );

    $srchListbox->delete( 0, "end" );
    if ( $#search_matches < 0 ) {
        $srchListbox->insert( "end", "No matches for $search_pattern" 
    } else {
        $srchListbox->insert( "end", @search_matches );

use File::Basename;
sub scout_man_dirs {
    my @man_files = `find $perlbase/man -name '*.[13]'`;
    my @suffixes = qw/.1 .3/;

    foreach my $docpath ( @man_files )
        chomp $docpath;
        my $docname = basename( $docpath, @suffixes );
        $doclist{$docname} = $docpath;
    @docnames = sort( keys( %doclist ));
    $docnames = join( " ", "", @docnames, "" );

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